AEW Television Production Costs

Does anybody have an inside knowledge of how much it would cost to produce a show like Dynamite or Collision?
You have to pay for camera men, sound engineers, lighting guys, stage hands, costumes, video editors, transportation. Are all these people AEW employees? Does AEW own the equipment? Or is this usually contracted through a union or privately?

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  1. 1 month ago

    judging from the quality of the production I'd say about... tree fiddy.

  2. 1 month ago

    You tell me

  3. 1 month ago

    Answered your own question.

  4. 1 month ago

    are thinkin of starting.... a peedub promotion... cuz i'll go to bat for you anon....

  5. 1 month ago

    You sound stupid so I’ll explain this slowly.
    The production crew are salaried AEW employees, they also own the vast majority of the equipment.
    >you have to pay for the costumes
    Are you dense? Are you moronic or something? Do you think they have people making new costumes every week?

    • 1 month ago

      ok tony just tell him already stop being a c**t

    • 1 month ago

      Costumes could/do fall under the makeup/wardrobe department.

    • 1 month ago

      Tony literally hired Brandon Cutler's wife to make costumes.

  6. 1 month ago

    Tony is losing (much) more than he's making on a weekly basis. He's not breaking even with the cost it takes to run a venue vs. the live gate.

  7. 1 month ago

    Lots of union (lighting, sound, etc), their own production costs to get it on the air (trucks, equipment, technology). Then think about the travel costs for the bloated roster, staff, production crew and the salaries associated with their people for that night.

    On top of this, Brandon Thurston put out some information from Sting’s last match where they are giving the arena a % of the gate for basically rent and services…in Greensboro’s case, it was around 20%.

    My guess is that one show, excluding the arena costs, is roughly 300k. You see a show like Big Business where they allegedly brought in a gate of around 400k, that’s probably a loss or a break even proposition. Not like they are selling copious amounts of merch since Punk left…Wrestlenomics said it was well down based on their estimates.

  8. 1 month ago

    Yes. I've done breakdown posts before. I don't know American standards, but I do know that Tony pays a lot of the wrestlers on dual contracts and former wrestlers to handle a lot of the positions in aew, which none of them are remotely qualified to do. So at a minimum, assume 10% of these positions are dual contracts where the guy is already getting a downside guarantee as a wrestler to never wrestle.
    >Venue booking, two days fee for get and broadcast, overnight 2x cost for derigging and arena staff who need to be present
    >Transport of equipment
    >Rigging crew
    >Equipment rentals
    >Building staff
    >Production staff
    >Tech rehearsals
    >Music rights and production
    >Video production
    >Live broadcast production
    >Lighting production
    >Audio live production
    >Merchandise stand employees
    >Merchandise production and transport
    >Licensing for all media and sponsors and the legal team to keep track of contracts and commitments
    >On air talent cost
    >Stage managers/agents/producers/whichever carny term they choose to use
    >Transport and travel for all staff
    >Specific to aew: travelling games room that the bucks and their friends hang out in - a confirmed cost that Tony covers
    >Medical team
    That's just the most obvious stuff. Take into account the different language teams and the teams of people handling broadcast to multiple partners globally and any post production needed for various markets. The ticket sales might also be handled differently per venue, per agreement; full rental means full ticket revenue while some venues he partners with might do a split where they cover cost of the rental partially and take a chunk of the ticket sales and that is likely to be all the bigger venues they run - so their big gates are probably -40% eaten by the venue.
    I doubt there are any unions involved at all. Most of the staff would be regulars with rigging crews coming in locally in some capacity. Low ball 800k per show.

    • 1 month ago

      >not an American
      >not from the industry
      >doesn't know that every sporting event/concert held in an arena in the US has union costs and workers as it’s in the agreement with the municipalities and arena operators

      800k is way too high. Please do the needful and leave the house.

      • 1 month ago

        I am in the industry, ya dumbfrick LARPer.
        I know that Americans hate unions. Are the seatfillers in a union? Are the rings they rent from random guys in a union? Are there special ring building unions?
        They bring in guys like Jarrett because he has local contacts to get bodies in. Show me your light rigging union info, I'll check it when I wake up tomorrow. You rent lights, you rent cameras and you can rent the guys to help install them. A cursory glance at aew week to week shows that they have some preset lighting states and don't take the time to check them of have meetings. The rig is set for whichever building it was designed in and they just throw it up again and get dark spots on the ring and everything is out of place, different lights doing too much or too little. That's just one of the visibly obvious areas where they clearly have some random guys come in and set stuff up without any real oversight.

        • 1 month ago

          No, they set up the ring themselves, that’s been documented. Who mentioned anything about the ring? It travels with them from town to town, hence travel costs.

          You don’t work in the industry Rajiv if you think they hire “guys” that aren’t part of a union. The arena won’t allow them to hire scabs to do that work. It’s in their contract with both the local unions and whomever rents the arena.

          See attached picture of details from the Greensboro show. Notice IATSE? That’s the international association of theatrical
          stage employees…a fricking union.

          Please stick to lighting up your street so you can take a gigantic dump in it every evening and see your greasy handy work. Leave the facts to me.

          • 1 month ago

            I wish we could see the numbers to the right

          • 1 month ago

            If you two could have a rational conversation then the rest of us might learn something. But instead you act like twats and call each other larpers and pajeets.

            >Does anybody have an inside knowledge of how much it would cost to produce a show like Dynamite or Collision?
            No, and if they tell you they do, they're LARPing.

            People have jobs anon. I work for a professional sports team though I'm sure I'd be called a larper on spee

          • 1 month ago

            My dad works for Nintendo and he could totally kick your dad's ass.

          • 1 month ago

            We don't need you spamming the same tired memetalk that got old 15 or more years ago. Got nothing to say? Then don't say anything.

          • 1 month ago

            >Got nothing to say?
            I got this to say: go back, homosexual.

          • 1 month ago

            Same goes to

            >WWE gas the best ring crew.

            You are replying to an obvious troll post so you just look mentally deficient.

          • 1 month ago

            nah you are

          • 1 month ago

            don't waste your time on these morons

          • 1 month ago

            I gave you almost exactly what it costs. Even gave you proof the pajeet has no idea the components of these costs…he then claimed he works for a sports team (not in America) which makes him probably a larper but at best a low level food vendor with no applicable information.

            It roughly costs 300k to do a Dynamite/Collision, and then they give a % or fixed fee to the building for things such as additional union costs and vendors (popcorn, etc). Again, union participation and payoff is always going to happen. So what Brandon Thurston said in total is probably correct in that all in they are looking at close to 500k.

          • 1 month ago

            >popcorn costs are 200k

          • 1 month ago

            Was this show in a highschool gym?

          • 1 month ago

            I have no idea why you're so angry.
            I said that I doubt they use unions and that I don't know how the specifics in the US. You're a deranged sperglord.
            They have been documented to have rented rings on the past, the transport is mostly for the stage and productions trucks. If you were to transport every light, every support and the ring you would be paying massive amounts and if you're arguing that they do now do that then you're saying they waste even more money than they need to.
            Why the frick would I know some American regional union acronym? I'm not American, you complete regard LARPer. You got angry and obsessed on the most irrelevant strawman possible that doesn't negate anything that I actually said. You're dumb as shit.

            I gave you almost exactly what it costs. Even gave you proof the pajeet has no idea the components of these costs…he then claimed he works for a sports team (not in America) which makes him probably a larper but at best a low level food vendor with no applicable information.

            It roughly costs 300k to do a Dynamite/Collision, and then they give a % or fixed fee to the building for things such as additional union costs and vendors (popcorn, etc). Again, union participation and payoff is always going to happen. So what Brandon Thurston said in total is probably correct in that all in they are looking at close to 500k.

            You're extremely delusional have you merging everyone in the thread into one boogeyman, fatso.
            The numbers on your sheet there completely align with my original notes as regard cost. If you weren't some angry mark pretending to know what they're talking about then you wouldn't be sperging out like a moron.

    • 1 month ago

      >none of them are remotely qualified to do.
      Do they need to get a qualification in wrestling logistics segment production before they get hired? Do the guys in WWE all have that qualification?

      • 1 month ago

        You need to know how to do graphic design to do graphic design.
        You need to know how to produce TV to produce TV.
        You need to know how to operate the audio to operate the audio.
        This is not complicated.

  9. 1 month ago

    If they keep losing all these international tv deals, there is no way that 5 hours + ROH + tv specials is sustainable

  10. 1 month ago

    Brandon Thuston/Wrestlenomics speculated that it was around $500K per episode. This was before Collision.

    • 1 month ago

      Did that include or exclude the arena rental/ticket split? I will look to see on his patreon.

      And yes, you can see why they started taping shows before and after dynamite. Two live shows per week, 10-12 ppvs with more costs, you can see why Tony is down $30-40m per year.

  11. 1 month ago

    AEW lost $36 million in 2023, so probably more than they make LMFAO

  12. 1 month ago

    >Does anybody have an inside knowledge of how much it would cost to produce a show like Dynamite or Collision?
    No, and if they tell you they do, they're LARPing.

  13. 1 month ago

    Holy shit you should see the guys That's set up the ring. the worst ring crew in wrestling. They have a terrible rating.

    • 1 month ago

      post a timestamped pic of you standing on a scale

    • 1 month ago

      WWE gas the best ring crew. Their rating is off the chart. They drew a ton of money from the union they're so good

      • 1 month ago

        >WWE gas the best ring crew.

  14. 1 month ago

    WWE Rents the best lighting structures. Their lighting drew a ton of rays on the spectrum of area lights.

  15. 1 month ago

    AEW loses big money on shows.

    • 1 month ago

      you lose everything except weight

      • 1 month ago

        you lost your dick because you're a troony

  16. 1 month ago

    Only Dynamite costs money to run. Raw and Smackdown don't cost anything because WWE is a real business unlike dog wanker's snowman fed

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