Bag work

Judge my bag work please. What are things needing fixing and change?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Nobody post in this thread until OP learns how to make a webm

    • 2 years ago

      I made it into a webm but still came out 9 mb over the size limit; its only 45 seconds long.

      • 2 years ago

        Split it into two, homosexual OP.

        • 2 years ago

          Click the Instagram link b***h

  2. 2 years ago

    jesus christ wear wraps and gloves. You are throwing stupidly weak punches if you can even punch without wraps and gloves. The whole point of hitting a heavy bag is so you can learn to deliver power. You are hitting like you are sparring someone and trying to hold back.

    Other than that you keep dropping your hands and you have zero head movement and your combos are all short and repetitive.

  3. 2 years ago

    Tuck in that chicken wing, OP. That's a free left hook to the liver off an outside slip. Yum. Don't square up so much, either. Easy teep target.

    • 2 years ago

      Solid advice, I'll keep it in mind.

      ask your coach dumbass, advice from guys on the internet aren’t going to make you strong, trust me I tried

      Tbf, I really only asked so I can have an excuse to show my training off

      >tried to get strong based on Fhite advice
      Lmfao at your life

      I don't care about physical strength or the opinion of a spiteful troll

      • 2 years ago

        >wants to be a fighter
        >I don’t care about physical strength
        Are your ‘tarded? Is pic related you?

      • 2 years ago

        I have a coach, he's awesome. In the video I'm at my gym after a 2 hour class lol

        Nah, strength isn't key. It's what you experience, its about the mental. Plus, I can't lift for shit, but I'll spark you out cold when I land my shot lol

        OK average angry lil Fhite troll. Let's see your bag work. I betcha I'll get in ur head from the start if we ever sparred lol

        >an excuse to show my training off
        >says incredibly dumb shit
        >proceeds to talk trash to everyone that comments in the thread

        • 2 years ago

          Are you the second coming of wu style Tai-chi chaun? You have all the same qualities.
          >skinny gay
          >unkempt hair
          >sucks at fighting
          >so confident he posts videos of himself
          >challenges people to fight irl when they laugh at him
          It’s got to be him.

          I'd frick both yall up

  4. 2 years ago

    ask your coach dumbass, advice from guys on the internet aren’t going to make you strong, trust me I tried

    • 2 years ago

      >tried to get strong based on Fhite advice
      Lmfao at your life

    • 2 years ago

      This. Get a fricking coach, OP you cannot learn competitive sports online, even just the practice drills.

      • 2 years ago

        I have a coach, he's awesome. In the video I'm at my gym after a 2 hour class lol

        >wants to be a fighter
        >I don’t care about physical strength
        Are your ‘tarded? Is pic related you?

        Nah, strength isn't key. It's what you experience, its about the mental. Plus, I can't lift for shit, but I'll spark you out cold when I land my shot lol

        • 2 years ago

          >Nah, strength isn't key. It's what you experience, its about the mental
          With writing skills like this I have a feeling you’re not very gifted in “the mental” area either.

          • 2 years ago

            OK average angry lil Fhite troll. Let's see your bag work. I betcha I'll get in ur head from the start if we ever sparred lol

          • 2 years ago

            Lmao, with the way you throw punches with your shoulders down, elbows wide, and chin up, I think not.

      • 2 years ago

        I could list a million things, but I don't want to watch the video over and over and over. The most obvious criticism is that I'm not really sure what you're doing with your arms when you throw kicks. Your swing arm should be pretty much like backswinging a sword (elbow slightly bent with some moderate tensing). No limp wrists allowed. The swing can stop at the bag/opponent. Swinging it further doesn't really achieve anything and is wasted movement, despite what coaches say. You need to be stepping into your kicks with your plant leg to generate power, not just pivoting on your foot.

        >pic related was my first gym
        >pretty sure it turned into a meme gym after my coach, friend, and I all left
        We were the only skilled kickboxers there besides the owner, and the owner has a weird ass style that I'm sure works for him, but doesn't really make sense for other people.

      • 2 years ago

        >OP you cannot learn competitive sports online
        you can learn alone thoug

  5. 2 years ago

    Are you the second coming of wu style Tai-chi chaun? You have all the same qualities.
    >skinny gay
    >unkempt hair
    >sucks at fighting
    >so confident he posts videos of himself
    >challenges people to fight irl when they laugh at him
    It’s got to be him.

    • 2 years ago

      lmao i forgot about that homosexual. his combination of utter lack of skills and complete confidence in himself was hilarious. OP is definitely similar.

  6. 2 years ago

    Keep your chin tucked all the time, keep your elbows in when throwing your punches, don't slap the punching bag, throw combos and straight punches. Put your body into your kick not just slapping the bag. Your feints and slapping punches make no sense. Get a coach and some sparring partners.

    • 2 years ago

      How don't the feints make since? Not arguing but wanna know what makes the feints i used in this video unnecessary. I have more feint set ups that I didn't use in this video also, mostly coming off the jab and cross. But I'm assuming you're talking about the right hook feint into the lead hook I showed

      • 2 years ago

        You literally didn't even use any feints. You just threw short sometimes. Missing by throwing short is not a feint. Throwing short actually is slower than just throwing a normal punch and leaves you just as vulnerable if not more vulnerable than a normal punch. A feint should be 100% in the shoulders and you don't even throw the hand. This makes it both faster and less effort to throw than a normal punch. You can twitch your hand a little if you want but it's not necessary as any fighter worth his salt will be watching your shoulders not your hands.

        • 2 years ago

          You make a good point

        • 2 years ago

          You make a good point

          I should add that feints are not just about the shoulder, I mispoke. I mean body instead of shoulder. Shoulder is part of it, yes, but the whole body is involved, even the legs because you sit down on punches so a sharp squat can be a good feint. Whatever your normal body movements are when setting up a punch you need to learn to do without actually throwing a punch.

          • 2 years ago

            Yooo, this is actually really really good advice. Thanks mate. I felt like I was already just recently doing this a lil sub consciously during sparring to create the openings but now I consciously have a better picture of the "after imagine" effect high level boxers have. Thanks bro.

          • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      But also I have a coach and spar almost everyday

  7. 2 years ago

    Off the top of my head, try to flex your lats when you throw your hooks so they don't loop, and also step in closer for your hooks. You don't really want to be further than the length of your shoulder to your elbow right now. Focus on driving with your feet more than using your arms.The bag being so close to the wall is also creating hesitation and bad form in your kicks because you're subconsciously worried about busting your foot (and rightfully so).

  8. 2 years ago

    Many things to say.
    Keep chin down.
    Don't open you guard when you kick (don't open your arms.).
    Don't stay flat footed and put wight in your punches.

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