Console wars aside and a genuine question, do you think they'll ever recover from this slump?

Console wars aside and a genuine question, do you think they'll ever recover from this slump? Obviously TK is the root of pretty much all of their problems, but he'll probably never let go of the reins, so do you think he's capable enough to lead them out of this?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    frick off e drone

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Probably not but then again at one point I history nobody thought WWF would ever overtake WCW.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    They are not in a slump. The product has always been garbage because they cater to anime watching incel homosexuals.

    • 4 weeks ago
  4. 4 weeks ago

    nope they only sink lower while wwe goes higher

  5. 4 weeks ago

    WWE has been a little edgier but they're still kind of dipping their toes into that water, they eased up a bit after Mania. AEW needs to start working weird angles like its Attitude, they seem to be trying this but Attitude did one thing Tony isn't and that's finding a place for everyone on the card to shine, if there's one thing Tony should take from Russo, it's that every roster member is valuable to your show, even the jobbers

    • 4 weeks ago

      So true, there's more to being a star/fixture than winning 90% of your matches. It helps, but you can also get/stay over having great music, ring gear, poses/hand signs, a unique finishing/signature move and so on. Look at Jay Lethal for example, guy has completely disappeared from TV despite bring in his wrestling prime. Old ass music with no lyrics, generic ring gear, no new moves added to arsenal in years....just a boring, boring guy who nonetheless has an incredible amount of talent waiting to be tapped into

      Console wars aside and a genuine question, do you think they'll ever recover from this slump? Obviously TK is the root of pretty much all of their problems, but he'll probably never let go of the reins, so do you think he's capable enough to lead them out of this?

      They need to re-capture the fan excitement but Tony Khan is very reticent to allow wrestlers to get over with non-ring things. When Jericho talked about being the guy who "pioneered" the wrestling sing-a-long entrance, it's not that he was lying, he was telling on himself

      Fans have been singing, humming, clapping along to music for decades now. But AEW in particular does not have many participatory themes other than Jericho, (at PPVs) Adam Copeland and americlapping along to Willow's theme. It's as if wrestler-specific themes are foreboden from having lyrics, unless it's licensed music. Weirdest shit. Anyway

      The artificial limits placed on non-wrestling time along with match cards that are routinely shuffled around -- so if AEW is coming to your town in a month, you will genuinely have NO IDEA if your favorite 3-4 wrestlers will appear, have a match, anything at all -- make it hard for fans to justify taking the day off work (day of/day after) and coming to the show on Wednesday night. Ditto for fans tuning in at home when their favorites disappear with zero explanation whatsoever, they're just expected to Google it themselves and read dirtsheets. Many fans are instead choosing to not tune in at all.

      It can't be fixed overnight, obviously, but it won't be fixed at all at this rate. Wholesale change is needed

      • 4 weeks ago

        exactly what is keeping fans invested if a talent just disappears for months at a time. It's not like a Lesnar or Reigns situation either where Lesnar has an MMA career and Reigns has to recuperate because his cancer is still in remission, so many AEW wrestlers are just sitting at home twiddling their thumbs, at the very least you can use them in a backstage segment or something

  6. 4 weeks ago

    smark style will never be watchable

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Claiming they are in a slump implies that the product used to be good. AEW is the same as it has always been.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Tony is a b***h ass homie. You can find his Florida residence on Google. I think I'm going to "SWAT" his ass for the lulz. And I'll be up in an eagle's nest with my sniper rifle, taking out the cops, so they think it's Tony firing upon them. Then his little rich boy mansion goes up in flames as Tony takes 6 to the chest.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Just use a drone armed with Pakistani missiles blame it on their rivals

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Only if Rovert dies

  10. 4 weeks ago

    No, Tony's ego will never let him give the books to someone competent and the fact what remains of the AEW audience blindly supports everything he does has convinced him he is a booking genius.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    The only chance is that the new TV rights deal is bad, meaning that Tony has to make some cuts and reassess things. Tony is the son of a billionaire, so he's never had to deal with failure before and hasn't had to learn from it

  12. 4 weeks ago

    If they don't get a deal with WBD they're cooked

  13. 4 weeks ago

    no. next question.

    • 4 weeks ago

      That would be off topic.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Where do babies come from

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Yeah probably, overall the shows are generally better than they were like 2 years ago but they lack the big big high points, so what they need is time to let some stuff build into big moments like Elite vs Dark Order. It is, after all, a marathon, not a sprint and I think they're doing things broadly right in a lot of ways it's just hard to get the people to go "yo I gotta follow the show something relating to the big thing I care about might happen" vs checking in at the start and looking at the card and going "into that bit, so will stick around till that" and have that be what seems to be on the surface the level of commitment they currently get.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    We need a new company. Big Tunes Billy fricked it up

  16. 4 weeks ago

    I don't think so. A lot of AEW's problems were always there. People were willing to overlook it because main roster WWE was just so dire. Now that WWE is great, the flaws in AEW are much more prominent. AEW has a very talented roster, but with Tony at the helm, I can't see them ever recovering.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    I think one thing has shown more than anything over the last year and that it's not really on them. It doesn't matter who's on their roster. It doesn't matter who their champions are. It doesn't matter what matches they do or angles they have. They're in the number two spot. Granted if they stopped trying altogether then yeah of course it could get much worse. But my point is it's WWE's game to lose. As the top promotion as long as they maintain their reputation and fans enjoy the product enough then things are pretty much going to stay the course they have been. If they slip up or fall out of favor then we'll see what tends to happen every so often where people want an alternative. Happened with WCW in the 90s. Happened with TNA in the mid 2000s. Happened with NJPW in the mid 2010s. Happened with AEW's first boom around 2020. Could it happen again? Absolutely. So they just need to keep themselves positioned to take advantage of it and in the meantime offer a consistent product that their core audience will enjoy. Which for the most part they've been doing since around last fall

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is also important, AEW's "win" condition really is to be around long enough for kids to make memes about "which was your childhood" and have WWE and AEW in opposite categories.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >be around long enough for kids to make memes about "which was your childhood" and have WWE and AEW in opposite categories
        That's the only way a new generation of wrestlers who aren't Allure marks can be created. You can't have balance until there's a generation of wrestlers who grew up with more than one major option. If they grew up with a monopoly, they will be crying marks who off themselves for getting released from NXT.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You arguably already have some of them, guys like Ospreay who watched TNA and RoH because bongistan had The Wrestling Channel which aired TNA and RoH... but not actually timeline synched so shit was weird because guys that did both would be radically different between the shows you caught because they were years apart.

    • 4 weeks ago

      They fumbled the booking all over the place with multiple people, multiple times. The punk stuff was just the crescendo. It doesn't matter who they sign, because everybody today is dimeless, but they still fumbled what they had. Bigleh.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Legentil thread
    TK is based
    AEW is based
    WWE sucks wieners

  19. 4 weeks ago

    KWAB Khan

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