Imagine being a billionaire having access to any woman you choose but instead go and anally rape an ugly whore in USA that prevents you of playing in ...

Imagine being a billionaire having access to any woman you choose but instead go and anally rape an ugly prostitute in USA that prevents you of playing in mls and expanding your whole legacy.
This guy would crush mls marketing wise since he is more charismatic and athletic then Messi

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 month ago

    You've never been horny and wanted to shag a slag before?

  2. 1 month ago

    Never happened. Women lie about everything.

    The sooner you realize this, the more you'll understand their behavior.

    • 1 month ago

      Why is there no anal rape rumors about Messi then? Seems like an easy cash grap if it so easy to lie

      • 1 month ago

        He doesn't put himself in those situations because he's an antisocial autist

        • 1 month ago

          there have been models here saying they slept with him, they always have 0 evidence though. There was one saying they dated when Messi was 18 and she was 14. Argie law uses a more common sense approach than American law when it comes to age of consent so it wouldn't be illegal here (she was fully developed and looked older than Mess at the time) but i think the story is bullshit. She says they were dating but there is only a single picture of them together and it looks like fan pic more than anything,plus her story is bonkers (Messi mom chasing her in a mall and trying to hit her with a frying pan in public).

          Ronado only has this accusations but it's pretty strong due to the leaked documents, if they didn't exist i would be neutral about it, cases where there is money involved are 50% bullshit.

      • 1 month ago

        Innocent until proven guilty.
        He can still go to the US. The "Ronaldo avoids the US cause of the rape charge" is BS considering it was dropped by the "victim".

        Unless you or the victim/prosecution can provide evidence that will make Ronaldo "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" he's innocent.

        Look at Benjamin Mendy. We all made fun of him, ruined his reputation and that homie wasn't even convicted yet. Now we know the 7 women that accused him were texting each other bragging about how they slept with him and planning on accusing him of rape.

        I heavily doubt Messi has had any sex besides with Antonella. They got together at a young age so he didn't have much of an opportunity to go around fricking random women + Messi is autistic as shit, I doubt he's the type of dude to do that.

        The only chance a woman has at falsely accusing a man of rape is if she slept with him, then she could just claim that it was non consensual. If she never even met the dude her case will be thrown out in 5 minutes due to lack of evidence.

        there are leaked legal documents, there rest of the bunch were confirmed so the Ronaldo ones are most likely true. He has narcissistic traits so him being rapey is not a surprise.

        You mean the ones leaked by Der Spiegal. Those ones aren't used in court for a reason.

        • 1 month ago

          you dumb fricking moron, the second he steps foot on american soil, they will reopen the case with "new evidence". even if he was innocent, he wont get out of this without a crazy settlement fee. lawyers, prosecutors, and other law personnel are getting wet dreams thinking about all the commissions they will receive from him.

          • 1 month ago

            Yes, he Might* be questioned by authorities, they Might* reopen the case. But most people, at least the people ik, seem to believe that he will be arrested on site and thrown in jail for 20 years if he enters the US.

          • 1 month ago

            Not "might", he definitely will. The American judicial system isn't built around justice, its built around making money. And Ronaldo is a walking cash pig for everyone involved; defense, prosecution, and most importantly; the tax man.
            He WILL get prosecuted, 100%. Its not weird for him to not want to go there, because it will cost him hundreds of millions to clean his name first.

        • 1 month ago

          >You mean the ones leaked by Der Spiegal. Those ones aren't used in court for a reason.

          because those were leaked documents and you can't use them in court as communication between defense lawyers and a client are supposed to be anonymous, it has nothing to do with them being fake or not.

          • 1 month ago

            They're also vague and leave out context. He never admitted to rape, if you read them again it's clear that it all happened within the context of sex.

          • 1 month ago

            i have read them, he's not saying he raped her but what he is describing is rape. He's basically describing what happened to his defense lawyers and lying in his deposition. He's describing two different set of facts

      • 1 month ago

        some slag tried that like 15 years ago but nothing happened.

        • 1 month ago

          this one?

          there have been models here saying they slept with him, they always have 0 evidence though. There was one saying they dated when Messi was 18 and she was 14. Argie law uses a more common sense approach than American law when it comes to age of consent so it wouldn't be illegal here (she was fully developed and looked older than Mess at the time) but i think the story is bullshit. She says they were dating but there is only a single picture of them together and it looks like fan pic more than anything,plus her story is bonkers (Messi mom chasing her in a mall and trying to hit her with a frying pan in public).

          Ronado only has this accusations but it's pretty strong due to the leaked documents, if they didn't exist i would be neutral about it, cases where there is money involved are 50% bullshit.

          her story was too stupid i think

      • 1 month ago

        Because no one would believe it. We all know a manlet like Messi wouldn't be capable of overpowering a woman in such a way.

      • 1 month ago

        He's autistic

    • 1 month ago

      there are leaked legal documents, there rest of the bunch were confirmed so the Ronaldo ones are most likely true. He has narcissistic traits so him being rapey is not a surprise.

    • 1 month ago

      Ronaldo admitted it.

      Why is there no anal rape rumors about Messi then? Seems like an easy cash grap if it so easy to lie

      True. Lying about crime in general isn't even that common. Lying about rape is almost unheard of, and it's usually some abused kid who wanted to go to the hospital and claimed they were raped so they could receive medical care. It's very easy to debunk false claims because they don't follow the pattern. This is a non-issue. If lying about rape was actually a thing, Messi would have been accused 50 times already. You as a man are 250 (yes, two hundred and fifty) times more likely to be raped in the ass by a fellow man than you are to be falsely accused by anyone.

      • 1 month ago

        that's not true, there's actually quite a lot of lying when there is money to be made or revenge in a girlfriend/wife case.
        The part about being easy to tell who is lying is only true for schizos that don't even know they are lying. People who are lying for money will investigate your typical child abuse story and will make it a text book case.
        There is also bpd women, lyinh about being raped is very common with them or women who make up stories of abuse during divorce (extremely common in family court)

        • 1 month ago

          If you want money, lie about ANY other crime. Rape practically never gets convicted. It has the lowest convinction rate of any crime. A rapist can straight up admit he did it and get off scot free. If you are ever falsely accused of a crime, you better pray it's rape because nothing will happen to you. Almost no one lies about rape, it's traumatizing and humiliating to even say that happened to you.
          It's funny you mention lying about abuse during divorce. Men almost always lie about it. When their wife gets a restraining order, he will usually file one too and ADMIT his reason is "just because she did it." Most causes for concern from men are fake and simply retaliatory. And men admit so.

          • 1 month ago

            Ronaldo admitted it.
            True. Lying about crime in general isn't even that common. Lying about rape is almost unheard of, and it's usually some abused kid who wanted to go to the hospital and claimed they were raped so they could receive medical care. It's very easy to debunk false claims because they don't follow the pattern. This is a non-issue. If lying about rape was actually a thing, Messi would have been accused 50 times already. You as a man are 250 (yes, two hundred and fifty) times more likely to be raped in the ass by a fellow man than you are to be falsely accused by anyone.

            Chinese hands typed this post. Go back to /gif/

          • 1 month ago



          • 1 month ago

            it has a low convinction rate because they almost never present any evidence. A lot of rape cases are trust me bro this happened. Cases without evidence are not prosecuted for other crimes.

  3. 1 month ago

    Rapistiano Analdo

  4. 1 month ago

    How could pisstiano kwabnaldo gape that prostitute if he’s a homosexual

  5. 1 month ago

    It's beyond me that grown men talk all day long about how Ronaldo raped someone. This is like grannies discussing how immoral lgbt sex is.

    • 1 month ago

      Not "might", he definitely will. The American judicial system isn't built around justice, its built around making money. And Ronaldo is a walking cash pig for everyone involved; defense, prosecution, and most importantly; the tax man.
      He WILL get prosecuted, 100%. Its not weird for him to not want to go there, because it will cost him hundreds of millions to clean his name first.

      you are literally contributing to it, kvichirktkisklsia

  6. 1 month ago

    Oh my God!! Oh Lord!! What a terrible fate.. To be born as a woman in this world.. With my tight pink plump pussy, no man could ever resist it!! Everywhere I go on the street they're all full of men ready to attack me and pin me down with their big hands and force their large, stronger bodies against me, and frick me real hard. These predators!!! Even attractive, mega rich, super popular ball players just risk commiting a crime to violate my hot, slender body! How awful. How dirty. To be violated so bad! Oh dear..

    • 1 month ago

      > Tight pink pussy
      But he raped and gaped her butthole

      • 1 month ago

        Oh my God!! Oh Lord!! What a terrible fate.. To be born as a woman in this world.. With my tight pink plump pussy, no man could ever resist it!! Everywhere I go on the street they're all full of men ready to attack me and pin me down with their big hands and force their large, stronger bodies against me, and frick me real hard. These predators!!! Even attractive, mega rich, super popular ball players just risk commiting a crime to violate my hot, slender body! How awful. How dirty. To be violated so bad! Oh dear..

        It's so funny how they all doubled down on their blatant rape fetishes claiming they all got it because they live under the patriarchy and rape culture.

    • 1 month ago

      >pink plump pussy
      it would be brown in your case

    • 1 month ago

      you riding on the back

      • 1 month ago

        reminder he got a flesh eating bacteria from the troony and almost died

        • 1 month ago

          time to google translate some articles in portugese

        • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      gangbang is such a subhuman fetish

  7. 1 month ago

    honestly i don't think it's that deep, i think historically powerful men have just raped women all of the time, because they can
    but ronnie didn't adjust his behaviour to the era of social media, phones, ambulance chasing israeli lawyers and feminism

  8. 1 month ago

    >prevents you of playing in mls and expanding your whole legacy
    literally no respectable player ever played in mls

    • 1 month ago

      Pele Beckenbauer and Cruyff all played in the MLS

  9. 1 month ago

    lmfao Hispanics are now literally sucking american wiener over the MLS

    VPN off Rodriguez

  10. 1 month ago

    >ronaldo raping anyone

    let alone says fricking anyone he doesnt do that he believes pussy is disgusting he does it artificially to have children.

  11. 1 month ago

    Like anyone cares, I remember Beckham doing it because he was the first but the others I barely remember, like Henry, or Villa, or even Lampard and Gerrard, I couldn't tell you a thing about their time in the MLS

  12. 1 month ago


  13. 1 month ago

    >USA is one state
    fricking moron

  14. 1 month ago

    Very interesting indeed

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