Is combat sport, or anything thst involves violence but as a sport a surrogate activity?

Is combat sport, or anything thst involves violence but as a sport a surrogate activity?

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  1. 4 months ago

    From what I understand yes, most combat sports aren't trained for self defense purposes and it's all just various flavors of body vanity and a desire to channel violence onto a track of something you can improove at
    Most of my understanding comes from his letters or short essays though, I haven't read Industrial Society (the non butchered version)

  2. 4 months ago

    Who cares

  3. 4 months ago

    Someone translate this schizobabble for me

    • 4 months ago

      Are combat sports really sports, in the dignified competitive sense, or are they merely a channel for societies thirst for violence. Basically, is there anything moral/admirable about the pursuit or is it just beating off a murder boner?
      Uncle Ted thought all this stuff was basically violent gay shit.

      • 4 months ago

        Sports in general are an outlet for men to socially compete without the need for violence. Physical competition, not to be confused with actual combat, is a normal and healthy part of all animal behavior including humans. Sports are a way for us to satisfy that primal need in both a fair and safe environment while also promoting health and fitness in young men. I fail to see how that could ever be construed as a bad thing.
        >uncle Ted
        moron who failed at what he wanted to actually do. Mostly killed unintended targets or sent bombs that didn’t detonate at all. Also a closeted troon.

      • 4 months ago

        They're both

      • 4 months ago

        Uncle Ted murdered people on cold blood, so he has no ground to moralgay about violence.
        >noooo I did it for a purpose, it wasn't for blood lust and fun i swear!!!
        All villains think they are the good guy.

      • 4 months ago

        >Are combat sports really sports, in the dignified competitive sense, or are they merely a channel for societies thirst for violence

  4. 4 months ago

    I don't understand why anybody who doesn't participate in a sport would ever watch a sport
    Like how can you give a frick? What do you even understand about what's happening?
    Realizing the skill and technique professionals have and the lebel they can rise to because you've done it yourself and know how difficult it is can be astounding
    And Watching what they do and taking those lessons back to improve your own practice is fascinating as well

    But what the frick could a naive layman ever get out of watching a sport they've never done?

    The worst being MMA fans because they're enjoyment comes strictly from watching someone get a traumatic brain injury and falling down in a funny position while they hollar and clap like overstimulated apes
    It's pure Black persondry
    And that's why these "fans" will say things like "see that wouldn't work in a real fight bro, I'd just gouge his eyes out if he tried that"

    • 4 months ago

      I used to be a dumb MMA fan and just wanted to see them stand and bang
      Years later that interest made me take up boxing, compete, and pick up some great training methods and realise how hard combat sports are

      Then years later after getting over the spectacular KOs I developed an interest in grappling

      Sometimes people evolve. The need for domination and competition is a dumb ape trait no matter how you look at it. It's not bad to be a dumb ape

    • 4 months ago

      Sports in general are an outlet for men to socially compete without the need for violence. Physical competition, not to be confused with actual combat, is a normal and healthy part of all animal behavior including humans. Sports are a way for us to satisfy that primal need in both a fair and safe environment while also promoting health and fitness in young men. I fail to see how that could ever be construed as a bad thing.
      >uncle Ted
      moron who failed at what he wanted to actually do. Mostly killed unintended targets or sent bombs that didn’t detonate at all. Also a closeted troon.

      You guys sound like a couple of homosexual larper simps to me. This is straight up bread & circus bullshit. Not to mention, you morons wouldn't get paid anything worthwhile were it not that the mob gets off on it. Get a fricking life & don't destroy yourself for other peoples amusement. This is the dumbest fricking shit ever. Sports in general is just moronic on every fricking level. Talking bullshit about how it promotes fitness. Lmfao. Every single sport is full of roiding troony shit stains. Beyond that sports, the whole fricking concept, is just about control. Plus you can go frick yourself with that "competition without violence" bullshit. 1, thats a fricking lie & the best competitors & teams are the most violent/brutal ones, always. 2, the militaries spends more money advertising at sports venues than anywhere else & its always been that way, because all sports have always been filled with violent fricking morons.

      • 4 months ago

        Okay Mr placid peaceful cuck. Seems like you have a lot of violent anger in you based on your post

        I recommend picking up a combat sport. maybe you will become alpha in the end and lose your virginity, instead of parroting what some manlet schizo hermit said in his "le ebin manifesdo!!!!"

        • 4 months ago

          Don't need to read that shit to know you're a homosexual simp for degen behavior.

          I do martial arts because I like it you turbo-autist. Not everything people like has to do with making money nor does it even have to be rational. Usually it’s the opposite.

          Take a chill pill. You sound schizophrenic.

          You might be ok. But no one should be putting self-destructive garbage like this on a pedestal.

          • 4 months ago

            >Passive aggressive internet insults are his surrogate activity


          • 3 months ago

            Don't think you know what passive aggressive means bud.

      • 4 months ago

        I do martial arts because I like it you turbo-autist. Not everything people like has to do with making money nor does it even have to be rational. Usually it’s the opposite.

        Take a chill pill. You sound schizophrenic.

      • 4 months ago

        You write in a very emotional manner and like you are very weak and frail. I doubt you are an intellectual either.

      • 3 months ago

        You sound weak willed and emotional like a woman.

  5. 4 months ago

    yes but much closer to the power process than most

  6. 3 months ago

    Of course combat sports are surrogat activity, but the concept of surrogat activity is total rubbish and cringe

  7. 3 months ago

    what is a non-surrogate activity in this day and age?

    • 3 months ago

      If you're actually employing Kaczynski's thought and not using surrogate activity as a buzzword, then nothing. Unless you are directly and intimately involved in the processes necessary for your own survival, you are engaging in a surrogate activity. Bear in mind Kaczynski doesn't say surrogate activities are bad.

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