Is this the most based set of champions in wrestling history or nah?

Is this the most based set of champions in wrestling history or nah?

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  1. 1 month ago


  2. 1 month ago

    Seeing that you even had to ask that lame ass question, the answer is no.

    • 1 month ago

      >the answer is no.
      Maybe on planet moron.
      >The best female champion of all wrestling promotions Toni Storm
      >The hottest up and coming star Willow Nightingale
      >The best tag team in the world The Young Bucks
      >Bullet Club Gold enough said
      >Adam Copeland enough said
      >Swerve Strickland for diversity enough said
      >Okada for the Asian market
      Yeah cry some more and lose weight b***htit homosexual.

      • 1 month ago

        >>the best tag team in the world the young bucks

      • 1 month ago

        >the asian market
        there is no market, bro.

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah people have tried to get wrestling over in china & korea and it flops every time. Japan is the only asian country that actually used to like wrestling and even then I think it's mostly due to the big 3 Rikidozan, Giant Baba & Inoki. It's kinda like how gaming in Japan is still thought to be the nes-ps2 era but any era after that, gaming just became a niche in Japan.

          >the answer is no.
          Maybe on planet moron.
          >The best female champion of all wrestling promotions Toni Storm
          >The hottest up and coming star Willow Nightingale
          >The best tag team in the world The Young Bucks
          >Bullet Club Gold enough said
          >Adam Copeland enough said
          >Swerve Strickland for diversity enough said
          >Okada for the Asian market
          Yeah cry some more and lose weight b***htit homosexual.

          kek I still don't understand why Willow gets pushed so much. She's ugly as frick and she doesn't even wrestle well. I don't understand who she's supposed to appeal to. The average Black doesn't give a frick about her. At least with Jade, I understood.

  3. 1 month ago

    >world champion
    >TNT champion
    >Internal champion
    >Continental champion

    Please tell me the unique hook that draws fans to each title and can't be experienced in any of their other titles

    • 1 month ago

      TNT is the TV title and regularly defended on weekly shows
      Continental is the pure wrestling title and interference and bullshit are completely banned
      International doesn't really need to exist but it's a much nicer belt than TNT so I'd absorb TNT into it

      • 1 month ago

        Banning interference inherently exposes the business, because why wouldn’t interferences be banned in every title match

        • 1 month ago

          they are and typically would result in a dq and the title holder retaining. the issue is that the monkey brained referees in AEW typically forget to turn their bodies away from said interference and usually witness it happening, but because that's the planned finish they have to just pretend they didn't see it so the match can happen. many such cases.

      • 1 month ago

        >Continental is the pure wrestling title and interference and bullshit are completely banned
        >this belt's gimmick is that you're not allowed to break the rules nobody else is allowed to break

  4. 1 month ago

    >literally nearly half of the troony champs are nxt castoffs

  5. 1 month ago

    why do they insist on calling them that stupid ass name instead of calling them the objectively cooler and more intimidating bullet club gold like they used to. i swear this fricking company is anti dimes.

    • 1 month ago

      They probably have to give New Japan a cut of BC Gold merch but not Bang Bang Gang merch

      • 1 month ago

        Bang Bang Gang is the worst possible name they could’ve came up with like what the frick a gun pun isn’t that hard.

  6. 1 month ago

    Edge and the bucks holding any title is an eyesore, but not as much as Jay holding that worthless trios one

  7. 1 month ago

    I'm gonna have to go with the latter option.

  8. 1 month ago

    Most DIMELESS for sure

  9. 1 month ago

    I know indie Feds who’s championship roster looks like this

  10. 1 month ago

    hey guys, we've got okada, edge, jay white and swerve strickland i want to put belts on all of them. which one should i put the world title on?

  11. 1 month ago

    Cope and Dimeless Toni really bring it down.

  12. 1 month ago

    Replace top left and bottom left and yes.

    What's crazy is that even though these people ARE dimes they are currently dimes less. AEW just can't get anything over. I think it's bad delivery, bad production just a bad product.

    • 1 month ago

      it's the utterly bizarre insistence on bringing in big names and making them midcarders, immediately killing any star power/hype they may have
      you just look at how wwe treated cody (an upper midcarder in AEW, lest we forget) to see how moronic that is

    • 1 month ago

      they took the john cena of new japan, put him in a heatless, dimeless angle with two go away heat shitters and gave him a meaningless midcard belt that's already been lost in the revolving door of championships in that company. I think Tony is frickin allergic to dimes. If I didn't know any better, I would think he's intentionally sabotaging the company and trying to book as poorly as possible, I just can't see why he would do that.

      • 1 month ago

        it's the utterly bizarre insistence on bringing in big names and making them midcarders, immediately killing any star power/hype they may have
        you just look at how wwe treated cody (an upper midcarder in AEW, lest we forget) to see how moronic that is

        I think AEWs issue is they don't pit their top stars against each other. Literally every week it's a big star versus some literal who jobber or shitter. Every single fricking week. Edge versus ring of honor literal who.

        Jay White versus someone you've never heard of. Moxley versus Japanese jobber.

        Just fricking put your top guys against each other. It's like imagine if the attitude era you had Austin, Rock, Show, Kane, HHH, Jericho, Taker. And instead of them going against each other we have got an exciting RAW for you folks. Austin vs Funaki, Rock vs one of the headbanger's.

        • 1 month ago

          for some reason tinny kin is terrified to make his stars face eachother. might upset someone if one of them has to lose and tinny kin doesnt want his toys upset with him. thats why its always "star" vs nobody who.

        • 1 month ago

          Tony is afraid of booking his big stars against each other because then someone has to take the loss
          He thinks that if he books some of these young jobbers against bigger name guys it will give the lower card guys the rub and get them over, when it just means no one will care about them because they lose all the time
          How many years will Dante Martin keep getting put on tv? He has no character and has developed nothing in the 4-5 years he’s been there

        • 1 month ago

          and then he'll randomly put them against each other with no storyline on an episode of collision and hype it up as a "dream match"
          then on ppv do swerve v jack perry as the main event

        • 1 month ago

          Tony is afraid of booking his big stars against each other because then someone has to take the loss
          He thinks that if he books some of these young jobbers against bigger name guys it will give the lower card guys the rub and get them over, when it just means no one will care about them because they lose all the time
          How many years will Dante Martin keep getting put on tv? He has no character and has developed nothing in the 4-5 years he’s been there

          Ok, you will have something like Mox vs Osprey. Loser will offended and leave to WWE in the next 2 years. How do you prevent this

        • 1 month ago

          That's just the half the problem. Gayew would give you Austin vs Kung Funaki, but instead of a 5 second squash match, you'd get an hour long BANGER! where Funaki has to eat 20 stone cold stunners before the tiny homosexual finally goes down. That shit would kill Stone Cold's aura so fast, because he'd look like a weak ass homosexual.

  13. 1 month ago

    I think AEW could sustain 8 titles across their 3 shows
    1. World title
    2. Women's title
    3. Tag title
    4. TNT title can stay as the defacto TV title but come up with a rule like 10 minute time limit or defended weekly or it's the only open challenge title
    5. A high fliers title. Call it cruiserweight or junior hvwt or even call it "the aew lucha" champion.
    6. A hardcore title somewhere between the OG WWF Hardcore title and the NEVER openweight title. Call it a "tough man title" or "brass knuckles" or "no holds barred"
    7. Merge the inter and Continental belts. Call it something beside intercontinental. Make it the forbidden door title. It's different wrestlers fighting each other, American vs Canadian, Japanese vs Brit, Mexican vs Russian, etc
    8. I'm not opposed to a trios title but they're not making it work. I propose a mixed trios belt. 2 men, 1 women or 2 men, 1 mini or 2 men and a scrawny manager. Something for opening scrambles with more structure

  14. 1 month ago

    Here's the full collection.

    • 1 month ago

      >AEWs gimmick is everyone gets a belt

    • 1 month ago

      AEW stays winning love Tony Khan hate the Fed simple as.

    • 1 month ago

      Why not combine all like belts like they did the trios? Why does ROH even need it's own belts? There are more belts than WWE now.

      • 1 month ago

        +10 Popularity to each champion in MyGM mode

  15. 1 month ago

    No MILLY no draw no arenas

  16. 1 month ago

    >Toni, Willow, Edge, Okada
    Yeah. The rest nah

  17. 1 month ago

    Swerve is transitional champ. Soulless -
    Toni dimes. Female stable in AEW is the best one in the biz +
    Willow is ugly. It would be better Skye Blue or Hart -
    Young Bucks ok +
    Roderick Strong ok +
    Edge +
    Jay White dimes and deserves more -
    Okada should be main guy. Like Mox in NJPW. -

    • 1 month ago

      >Willow is ugly

  18. 1 month ago

    I haven't watched in a while, where's that Atlantic championship they had? What's the international and continental championships?

    • 1 month ago

      All-Atlantic championship got rebranded as International during Cassidy's first reign.

      The Continental championship was added when they ran their G1 equivalent tournament, the Continental Classic. Set time limit, no outside interference, and holder is automatically putting it on the line at next years tournament. Eddie also put his ROJ and STRONG belts on the line, but the three weren't consolidated into one like many assumed they would.

      • 1 month ago

        Thanks, anon

  19. 1 month ago

    Toni is fine. Everyone else is meh.

  20. 1 month ago

    Swerve is one of 3 guys to get organically over in AEW, the other two being the acclaimed. Turn Nana face, or have Swerve leave the group, and give him a finisher that doesn't require his opponent do the mortal kombat fatality sell while they wait for him to jump. Could be dimes.
    The ladies, are whatever. Storm's gimmick isn't as good as people pretend it is. Keep them barely on TV and in super short segments and matches and it should be fine.
    Bucks sucks.
    Strong is great solely because he's a product of the 2000s indies and not the 2010 indies.
    Edge is fine I guess. I know he has fans.
    White deserves more and the trios titles shouldn't exist.
    Okada is goated when he tries, he's not trying in AEW lol

  21. 1 month ago

    >4 former e-drones and 7 literal whos

  22. 1 month ago

    too early to say but I think they missed his peak waiting to put the belt on him
    Eh their new gimmick is okay but I never wanna see them wrestle
    sucks, Undisputed Kingdom is a flop. Roddy isn't all bad but he doesn't need the belt.
    Surprisingly good although I have a feeling this Melikey Blacks feud is gonna suck
    meme belts and Jay should be IC champ
    Don't care

    Overall a 5/10

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