Is wrestling the opposite of bjj?

Bjj fighters know submissions but suck at takedowns so they either get sprawled and outpunched or eventually get the takedown and win

Wrestlers know takedowns but suck at submissions so they take someone down, win by decision or suddenly get submitted

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  1. 2 months ago

    Yes they compliment each other

  2. 2 months ago

    Bjj hasn't won a fight in nearly 2 decades

    • 2 months ago

      20% of ufc fights are won by submissions. Almost all of the fighters who win by submissions know bjj, except for Russians.

    • 2 months ago

      abu dhabi

      • 2 months ago

        dominated by an american several times running using techniques developed in america? huh?
        also not even a fight

        20% of ufc fights are won by submissions. Almost all of the fighters who win by submissions know bjj, except for Russians.

        which submissions? the judo ones like armbars, triangles, strangles? or the bjj ones like gogoplatas and buggy chokes?

        • 2 months ago

          This coping is pathetic holy shit. Who do you think is training those moves more, Judoka or BJJ guys?

          • 2 months ago

            I'm not going to indulge your troony logic
            I don't care what you personally identify as. Things are what they are and the only thing you can hope to do is misappropriate them and hope the people you're talking to are too naive to know the difference. Oldest martial arts grift there is

            I guess the front kick is a bjj move too, right?

          • 2 months ago

            Who is actually using and training these moves with any regularity? It's not judo gays. Stop trying to claim ownership when it all came from the same source but you judogays train it maybe 20% of the time

          • 2 months ago

            you're wrong, it's the brazilians that are claiming ownership
            they're the ones that put the name of their country and stamped it on something that 1 did not originate there and 2 is practiced all over the world

            ayee this isn't the japanese jiujitsu its the brazilian jiujitsu!
            >americans revolutionize lapel guards and leg attacks
            ah cool american jiujitsu

          • 2 months ago

            Anon you are so fricking autistic holy shit. I genuinely hope you’re not actually a judoka I don’t want you in my sport.

          • 2 months ago

            the people in charge of judo are doing a fine job pushing people away from sport on their own, you don't need to assist them
            fortunately the IBJJF is dying even faster because the jig is up

          • 2 months ago

            Neither sport is dying just because autists argue bout them on the internet. Go outside.

          • 2 months ago

            beej is absolutely DOA now, that's why they're scrambling to change the rules to somehow make it more enticing

            world masters gets more attendance than worlds. You have a serious problem when the biggest demographic is seniors
            I've seen it all at this point and you can feel it on the ground too, tournaments used to run until after 9pm and those same tournaments now are finished by 3:30
            they've taken to combining purple brown and black because there aren't enough of each of them to fill brackets on their own

          • 2 months ago

            >somewhere around one million practioners in the US alone.
            >trust me bro it’s totally dieing
            Whatever you say

          • 2 months ago

            there's fewer than 300,000 blue belts globally and that's by combining active and inactive people
            it's dishonest for you to take every white belt that took an introductory class they saw on groupon and then say that person is a practitioner which is exactly how the industry tries to inflate numbers
            and I'm not accusing you of personally being dishonest I'm saying the industry is being dishonest and feeding you bad info

            by the logic being used there everyone that took karate when they were 6 years old for 3 weeks is a karate practitioner forever

          • 2 months ago

            My kempo Karate green belt is still active and you can’t convince me otherwise

          • 2 months ago

            >there's fewer than 300,000 blue belts globally
            Source? I'm guessing that's IBJJF stats of registered members. Given how dogshit of an organization IBJJF is, the number of unregistered practitioners is probably quite significant

          • 2 months ago

            it's not based on that directly but it's extrapolated from their data showing 1% of blues make it to black
            and we know the percentage break down by population through polling
            White: 23%
            -Blue: 43%
            -Purple: 22%
            -Brown: 6%
            -Black: 6%

            and what we find is the majority of practitioners are 30+ but at the same time have been training 3.5 years or fewer

            a lot of people try it out, very few people stick with it

          • 2 months ago

            But at some point in that process, you have to take their numbers from their registered members and as I said before, not everyone registers.
            I'd even go as far as to say that the registered members are now a minority most likely, because there are simply better tournament organizers, not to mention that IBJJF's rules around belts are pretty stupid anyways.

            Plus there are people who don't really have a rank because they only do no gi and their gym doesn't really do belts, an approach which is getting more and more popular lately, so even your distributions might be off

          • 2 months ago

            >I guess the front kick is a bjj move too, right?
            If X learned it in a bjj class (which is very unlikely) it is a bjj move for X. If X knocked a taekwondo fighter out with a kick he learned in bjj class, it would be a bjj victory. If the taekwondo fighter knocked X out with the same kick, it would be a bjj loss.

    • 2 months ago

      People still win with subs even though they are disadvantaged due to rounds and gloves lol

      You are moronic and uninformed. Probably don't train at all

      • 2 months ago

        As a sambo medalist, judo black belt and bjj white belt, Khabib is not a good example. That's why I said "except Russians".

      • 2 months ago

        >Probably don't train at all
        On this website I always assume no one has any qualification to talk about the subject until given evidence to the contrary.
        No one on /k/ owns guns, no one on Fhite lifts, no one on Fhite trains, not a single soul on Fhite has ever sat in the front seat of a car, much less behind the wheel

  3. 2 months ago

    In practice, yes
    In theory, BJJ should be a strict superset of wrestling but BJJ people don't focus on wrestling because, under BJJ rules, sitting into guard achieves the same exact thing as a takedown with less energy expended

  4. 2 months ago

    More than one person try to fuse them or at least add submissions to wrestling

    • 2 months ago

      That's basically just nogi BJJ. There is more and more wrestling focus every year. Which is good. I'm fine with it even changing name to submission grappling or something. Since grapplers can be huge homosexuals about pedantics and "muh moves"

      • 2 months ago

        every move name should describe the action taking place

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