jerk missing status?

jerk missing status?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Some day, some time, Jerk may miss. That day is not today

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Uhhhhh uhmmm uhh y-you know

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >Jerk for real discussion and OC
    >Fhite for memes and shitposting
    lol if you don’t post on both

    • 4 weeks ago

      >using reddit

      • 4 weeks ago

        Its not so bad, you dont even have to join. I use it to check up on porn chicks.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    peawiener is not a company us it's a service owned by comcast

    • 4 weeks ago

      Peawiener TV is an LLC

      • 4 weeks ago

        Go frick your ass.

        • 4 weeks ago

          What are you mad about?

      • 4 weeks ago

        who owns it

        • 4 weeks ago

          Who owns NBCUniversal? What does that have to do with Peawiener being a company that deals with its own finances and keeps its own records, which is all that’s being discussed in the OP tweet?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Comcast owns NBC Universal, and Peawiener does not have it's "own finances" and only a moron would think that. They are funded from the top -- Comcast -- and can be ramped up, shut down or spun off at any time. The people put in charge of Peawiener, or of NBC Universal, don't have a choice in the matter. Comcast does.

            Why are you purposely sitting here acting like the smartest moron in the room? Grow the frick up and speak on the level you are capable of speaking, with the knowledge you have. Don't pretend to be a fricking idiot just so you can dunk on wrestling fans.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Don’t get hot about it lil guy

          • 4 weeks ago

            People should act according to their intelligence. When you act like a moronic little shit-eating homosexual and ask rhetorical questions instead of making declarative statements, I'm going to treat you like the b***h you are.

          • 4 weeks ago

            are you still mad we made fun of your grandpa?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Is an LLC a company or not? Does it make financial reports for itself or not?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Who owns Instagram LLC?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >legal entities can’t own companies
          please stick to being a bagboy

      • 4 weeks ago

        oh no jerkxisters looks like we're fricking morons

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Why does meltxir always bring up peawiener, it’s not a standalone business like AEW is

  6. 4 weeks ago

    >bleeding cash
    What's the source on this? Sounds like something a drone saw in his sleep and ran with it

    • 4 weeks ago

      E-drones made it up because they hate AEW, just like everything else they believe about that company

  7. 4 weeks ago

    AEW has never reported how much money they are losing, or have lost, so Dave is talking out of his butthole here, as usual. The man is a professional liar and should never, ever be taken seriously as a journalist because he lacks credibility.

    Dave is a historian and nothing more.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Why do people express shock like "Omg AEW STILL isn't profitable"?
    If you look at the economics of this stuff, it's clear that the only path to profitability is TV rights, which only come up for renewal every 4 or 5 years. Every other potential revenue source is dwarfed by TV rights.
    In fact Tony said that he started AEW because he saw how much money WWE was getting in TV rights and realized there was an opening there
    So the idea that AEW would suddenly become profitable midway through one of its TV deals is ill-informed

    • 4 weeks ago

      It doesn't matter what you say. It doesn't matter what you do, you are wrong. And Jedi force-pissing yourself through crusted urethra is the only way out. All other doors are welded closed, and the same people responsible for Mao, Misc Pot, and Adolpf Schticker...ARE NOW IN CONTROL!

    • 4 weeks ago

      >If you look at the economics of this stuff, it's clear that the only path to profitability is TV rights
      It is not my intention to split too many hairs or get caught up in the minutia, but this is not a very accurate statement at all. The reason WWE is so insanely profitable is because they insist on making profits in everything they do: house shows, video games, merchandise, everything.

      AEW dropped a video game that was poorly developed, poorly marketed and it subsequently failed.
      AEW merchandise stands at shows are routinely bereft of items, so many fans walk home empty handed.
      AEW shows are poorly promoted, the arenas are too big and the crowd being catered-to is at-home smarks--not in-attendance families.
      AEW performers are routinely paid to sit at home and do nothing, or paid $200-400K salaries to wrestle once per week for the ROH website
      AEW social media is a compendium of clips and full videos with little thought given to developing crossover appeal or recruiting a younger fanbase
      These things are all combined with paying talents WWE-level money, from a company that makes 1/6th the revenue and is nowhere near profitability

      Tony Khan appears to have no concern over making profits - his overarching concern is whether or not his company is viewed as successful. That is to say: AEW chases revenue opportunities, not in pursuit of profits, but to give the appearance of a successful company. With WWE, the reverse is very much the case: they don't give a motherfricking god damn if other people want to say they're more successful than before, less successful, ascendant, on the decline, doesn't matter: profitability matters. Then, now, forever, id est, they have both current and future revenue streams they are constantly developing.

      It's a giant pie and TV rights are only one slice of it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >The reason WWE is so insanely profitable is because they insist on making profits in everything they do: house shows,
        stopped reading there because you instantly showed you're clueless

        house shows were a money losing/break even business for MANY years. only during the current "hot" period have they been profitable.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >So the idea that AEW would suddenly become profitable midway through one of its TV deals is ill-informed
      Nah you're ill informed.

      "Khan expects its wrestling division to be profitable this year, though an eight-figure investment in video game development will keep the company in the red for now."

      This was back in 2021. So Tony thought Flop Forever's budget was the only thing holding AEW back from being profitable. Well now it's 2024 and AEW still hasn't made a profit. Which means either Tony didn't understand his own numbers in 2021 or AEW's costs have soared and I'm guessing it's the latter. AEW could have been profitable in 2022 if the Tonestar had refrained from going on a spending spree. But he keeps going on sprees and the shit he spends money on has zero return on investment. ROH, Punk, Danielson, Okada, Mone, Copeland, Ospreay, fricking licensed music, none of it pays off. He keeps spending AEW into financial oblivion and he refuses to stop. If it ever comes close to being profitable he'll just frick it all up again.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Well one way to achieve that goal quicker would be like, actually put on a product that can draw more then 2k in Philly?

  9. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      We have this chart, but what you won't see provided is a chart showing how much TV production costs have also skyrocketed.

      Comcast paid WWE a record amount for Smackdown for a reason: they have access to the viewing habits of wrestling fans, and they determined WWE was can't-lose programming for their Cable packages. WBD can get their hands on the same subscriber databases that Comcast/Spectrum/DirecTV/etc have, paid access or otherwise, and see that there's a much smaller core AEW audience that watches much more non-AEW programming on TV, which is why WBD isn't rushing to give AEW a new deal.

      WWE is run like a wrestling promotion that uses it's TV shows to make stars
      AEW is run like a TV show that uses wrestling to make stars
      It's easy to see why one company is making a killing in TV revenue and the other can't get a new TV deal

      • 4 weeks ago

        The info is right there bro

        • 4 weeks ago

          The chart says Revenue, not Expenses. Bro.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Ojama is an ESL, bro.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Dave's right regarding profitability, the idea that a company's goal is to immediately start making profit is false, especially if it's backed by a billionaire.

    You can choose to organically grow a business over time, or if you're rich you can use the cheat code of pumping in a shit ton of capital and not worrying about profitability in the short term.

    If it isn't making money in 10 years time then yeah Tony will be incredibly concerned, but if people think his priority right now is to just be in the green then they're delusional

    • 4 weeks ago

      If you were to move to a new city, putting most of the moving costs on a credit card as well as using your credit card while you settled in, you wouldn't be too worried about paying off that credit card right away. But what about 8 months later, a year later, 3 years later? You'd have to be a jackass to still be going out for pizza and drinks every Friday night, putting it on your Credit Card because you're still broke.

      The idea is to close the gap on losses while building towards the future. Signing 3 different wrestlers to 8 digit contracts in a 2 month span doesn't give the impression that AEW is trying to narrow their losses, it's indicative of either 1) out of control spending, or 2) a complete change in direction. Are we seeing 2 right now with the Tony/Bucks ongoing storyline? I would argue no, because the rest of the show is still formatted the same, the buildings are still 3/4 empty, everything else is identical. They merely rearranged the furniture on the Titanic.

      AEW should not need 10 years to become profitable. They are not building 5-story office buildings and a corporate campus, employing 137,000 workers across 15 states. AEW is a touring wrestling company that needs a few hundred employees, tops, and most of those are independent contractors who only have to show up and wrestle. If Tony Khan didn't have a chip on his shoulder and derive bragging rights from paying wrestlers millions more than they're worth, AEW could be at least close to being profitable.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Go back

    • 4 weeks ago


  12. 4 weeks ago

    meltzer lost so much credibility once he started getting paid by tony khan
    he used to be extremely fair to every wrestling promotion out there and now he's just a shill

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