Perfect example of McDojo Bullshito 'master'

>Old, bald, and unfit man promoting the merits of karate over Muay Thai
>Uses poor form and technique in demonstrations
>Pathetically defends the veracity of karate over Muay Thai in comments.

Why is the karate crowd like this?

evolution karate in Arkansas on fb to see vod. Can't post link because this site sees it as spam

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  1. 9 months ago

    I don't have a facebook account so I dont think I could watch the video anyway

    most muay thai instructors are old bald and unfit too though
    a fat teacher isn't a problem, it's the presence of fat students that are a problem

    • 9 months ago

      >most muay thai instructors are old bald and unfit too though
      Yes, but the old thai trainers have a hardened demeanor about them as they've been in vicious fights. Meanwhile the man in the vod looks like an absolute pussy.

      I would rather train karate than muay thai.
      Why should I destroy my body for a sport?

      >I would rather train karate than muay thai.
      >Why should I destroy my body for a sport?
      Destroying the body for sport isn't the crux of the issue here. It's what sport is better suitable for combat: MT or karate?

      Anyone with common sense and honesty knows the correct answer here.

      The answer to your question is in the image you posted

      >The answer to your question is in the image you posted
      Don't let the kid tag mislead you. If you watch the vod, the bullshito master boasts that karate is outright superior to mt in all It's also his arrogance which is especially cringe.

      • 9 months ago

        >what sport is better suitable for combat: MT or karate?
        >Anyone with common sense and honesty knows the correct answer here.

        karate beat muay thai in February 1964 with 2 victories for their corner vs 1 for the muay thai corner.
        As most things the most relevant part is not deluding yourself and chasing your goal not the specific style or methods.

        • 9 months ago

          Don't believe anything oyama said, he wasn't even Japanese he was Korean, very sneaky

          He faked that bull video, so he will fake other things too

          • 9 months ago

            Oyama was open about his korean ascendancy and even tho he exagerated many things he still did some impressive feats in his life.
            Also the fights were legit, the thai guys had the home advantage and seen by many in Lumpinee stadium.


        • 9 months ago

          Oyama was open about his korean ascendancy and even tho he exagerated many things he still did some impressive feats in his life.
          Also the fights were legit, the thai guys had the home advantage and seen by many in Lumpinee stadium.

          In current time Karate always lost against Muay Thai

          • 9 months ago

            Even tkd players have beaten Thais in matches at this point.

  2. 9 months ago

    I would rather train karate than muay thai.
    Why should I destroy my body for a sport?

    • 9 months ago

      Nah, you're just a pussy. MT makes your body strong, it's bjj that ruins your joints

      • 9 months ago

        I'm a sport bjjgay and this is true with caveat that you'll only really "ruin your joints" from accidents or going too hard for many years without s&c.

      • 9 months ago

        I'm a sport bjjgay and this is true with caveat that you'll only really "ruin your joints" from accidents or going too hard for many years without s&c.

        All fighting ruins your body & brain over time, if you're going hard enough at it, and it doesn't matter how good you are.

        I would rather train karate than muay thai.
        Why should I destroy my body for a sport?

        If longevity & self defense is your goal. Bail on martial arts entirely. Unless you're going to really commit, martial arts isn't for you. You want something like a martial fitness program or something. Most people will never get into a fight, when they do, its incredibly unlikely it will be with a highly trained person. So for most of the world, martial arts is useless overkill. This is ironically the truth of all martial arts unless you plan on being a fighter. Even the most elite fighting forces in the world don't give a shit about martial arts beyond the most basic fundamentals.

        • 9 months ago

          Oh and buy a gun

        • 9 months ago

          Martial arts=bad for you gays are so annoying because they dont train and cant think of the nuance. I'mm having a hard time believing they're not couch potato dorks because if they were actually active they would understand. Doing any physical activity is bad for you is as obvious as not doing any physical activity is bad for you. Nothing paradoxical either if you understand it.

          No one is saying you have to spar hard everyday for hours and train like a athlete You can strike a balance to where its pretty safe and you take a bit of a risk that is perceived to outwwight the cons in that its more FUN. Beats being inactive and is not really much worst for you than doing pretty much any physical activity. Even these safer activities have risks that manifest in different ways

          • 9 months ago

            No. That's not the take away bro. That was fact, if you are not planning on fighting, then martial arts is factually a big waste of time for you. That same time imvestment in fitness alone would serve a pacifist way better than an equal amount of time in martial. That makes the return over risk better for just conditioning. Unless you're going to implying just doing some lifting & conditioning is riskier than earnestly practicing martial arts.

          • 9 months ago

            >then martial arts is factually a big waste of time for you
            it's fun and social you autist. You speak so matter of fact and it's so indicative of your lack of experience that you can't fathom it

            > earnestly practicing martial arts.
            what does it mean to practice martial arts earnestly mean? Is the guy going 3 times a weak consistent earnest? That hobbyist guy is not gonna have too much problems with injury. Or do you actually mean more doing martial arts for hours a day is required to be "earnest" in which case you're just saying train really hard like an athlete.

            Why are you even comparing "just doing some lifting" to "earnestly" train like an athlete? Are you moronic? And if you can accept being a hobbyist as training martial arts earnest then liftting and conditioning is not really better than that. In fact you'll probably get more hurt more going heavy in the same amount of time you spent doing martial arts as a hobby, which is how you should compare it.

          • 9 months ago

            Thats dumb. You're dumb.

        • 9 months ago

          >All fighting ruins your body & brain over time, if you're going hard enough at it, and it doesn't matter how good you are
          But if your fighting doesn't allow hand and elbow strikes to the head or blows to the knee the accumulated damage over practice and competition is going to be lesser than if you practice something thatallows that.

  3. 9 months ago

    The answer to your question is in the image you posted

    • 9 months ago

      Show me any karate dojo that its not a glorified daycare

  4. 9 months ago

    Why is the white man so susceptible to asian mysticism

    • 9 months ago

      the white man is superstitious by nature, therefore he is easily tricked
      if he does not understand something he is inclined to believe it because the risk is too dangerous to deny it in case it turns out to be true

      • 9 months ago

        It's called genetics, there's a portion of every race that is moronic
        Could be worse, all brown and black are moronic period. After all, you needed me to tell you this, and you won't agree, therefore proof of moronation.
        t. Asian

      • 9 months ago

        Meds, it's blacks that believe in voodoo , wash they chicken in the sink and never change the batteries on the fricking smoke alarms.

    • 9 months ago

      If that were it then all the white dudes should be lining up to do Muay Thai.
      Remember that Nak Muay are supposed to get their headbands blessed by Buddhist monks before every fight. They’re not supposed to ever let it touch the ground otherwise it’ll lose its magic powers.

      • 8 months ago

        >If that were it then all the white dudes should be lining up to do Muay Thai.
        Most white dudes still don't know the power and effectiveness of MT. It's a relatively foreign, exotic, and unknown martial art still.

      • 8 months ago

        >Remember that Nak Muay are supposed to get their headbands blessed by Buddhist monks before every fight. They’re not supposed to ever let it touch the ground otherwise it’ll lose its magic powers.
        this is the lamest thing i’ve ever read. and buddhist monks indulge them in this?

  5. 9 months ago

    yea but karate combat is bringing it back, they actually mix it with kick boxing and muai tai and works

    • 9 months ago

      karate combat is karate only in name, it is just a ordinary striking combat.

      • 9 months ago

        > it is just a ordinary striking combat.
        Are you suggesting karate shouldn’t be? As a judoka I see similar techniques used in other grappling styles all the time, that doesn’t mean that judo isn’t its own thing, it just means that the human body only moves in so many ways and my martial art (and other grappling styles) are in line with the most efficient way to use it. If you’re doing a striking style that isn’t “ordinary” then it’s probably bullshit.

  6. 9 months ago

    There's always frauds in the west claiming shit, you don't find that in Japan or other places.

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