Vinny Magalhaes Staph Infection

Does anybody have the photo of the aftermath of Vinny's staph infection? I remember a photo showing a whole that was left after they cleaned up the staph infection. It was pretty gross. I just can't seem to find it and I'm no longer sure if it even existed in the first place.

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  1. 9 months ago

    >Why should I clean the mats if I'm paying a fee?

    • 9 months ago

      but for real though, that's exactly right
      imagine you're paying $150-$400 a month depending on where you go and this happens to you

      • 9 months ago

        Mop the mats and this won’t happen

        • 9 months ago

          I'm not the maid, I'm a customer
          >order a hamburger at mcdonalds
          >have to wipe down the grill afterwards

          • 9 months ago

            Enjoy your ringworm

          • 9 months ago

            not going to happen because the owner of the gym is running a proper business and not just a little playground for himself, so the mats are disinfected after every class

          • 9 months ago

            Aren’t you the same moron who makes all the “training at home” threads talking about having a coach is for cuckholds?

          • 9 months ago

            No, but washing the floors in a facility you're paying to use is definitely for cuckholds
            You're not the employee, the coach is
            He works for you, you don't clean the gym

          • 9 months ago

            Do you not wipe down gym equipment either? If so you deserve to have a barbell dropped on your head

          • 9 months ago

            Wiping a piece of shared equipment after you used it and returning it to where you got it in a shared space is different from mopping the floor of the gym
            I don't clean the toilets or take out the garbage either

          • 9 months ago

            >Wiping a piece of shared equipment after you used it
            You mean like a mat?

          • 9 months ago

            Mats aren't a piece of equipment, they're the floor

          • 9 months ago

            The absolute mental gymnastics.
            >bro the bench isn’t a piece of equipment, it’s just a bench.
            Go grapple on hardwood

          • 9 months ago

            no u >:( you're the one doing the mental gymnastics here if you can't see the difference between a permanently installed floor surface and a piece of equipment you take turns using
            but we'll take it a step further since clearly you've never worked in a gym before (worse yet I'm not sure if you've ever been to one). Know who ends up wiping down equipment and putting the weights away? the staff, every day they're walking around with spray bottles and wiping down benches, wiping down the buttons on the cardio machines, wiping down the punching bags, and reracking weights that got left out. It's not the responsibility of customers to ensure the facility is clean, end of story.
            if you think that's something you need to do you're a sucker going somewhere without standards
            but since you raise that point about hardwood, yeah when's the last time you mopped the basketball court after playing?
            you manicure the grass on the soccer field and throw down new seed?
            when you go swimming do you check the PH when you're done and put more chemical in it?
            no, you don't. Maintenance of the facility isn't your responsibility

            ever wonder why there's always a 15 minute break between classes? so when you're done and frick off I can wipe down the mats and bags then turn on the fan and dry them before the next class starts.
            I would never ask a customer to clean up a room they just paid me to use, the idea of that is so completely outrageous. I legitimately hope anyone who does this loses their business because they don't deserve to have one

          • 9 months ago

            >mats are permanent
            Weird cause we have to pull them up to clean. Who's never been again?

          • 9 months ago

            >we have to pull them up to clean
            any kind of deep cleaning should be done during off hours when the gym is closed. You shouldn't even be present for something like that let alone doing it yourself
            that's another thing, those fricking shitters that are only in the gym when the gym is teaching. As an owner or staff you should be there just as much when it's closed as it is when it's open

            >I’ll write all this shit but I won’t wipe down mats
            Bruh, you act like it’s a full time job you’re being asked to do. At my club it’s literally done on a volunteer basis and when you have 3-4 people all doing it together it takes less than 5 minutes. We do this because we’re not “customers” we’re club members and we want the place to be safe and clean. Tone down your autism a bit.

            >we’re not “customers” we’re club members
            I don't got friends, I got family. the cult leader might call you members but you aren't. members have a share of the organization, that's why grifters like to misuse the word because it sounds more inclusive. but you're not a member, it's not some exclusive group you're a part of. You are exchanging money for services. You stop paying the services go away and you have no special rights to the area

            example. I'm a member at a beach because of where my house is located, its off limits to anyone not in the neighborhood. I have to pay yearly dues to maintain it, but in exchange I have rights to it.
            if you stop paying for the gym you're out and have no special rights to it
            >we want the place to be safe and clean
            if that's even a question you need to ask yourself "If we don't clean the mats will they be safe to use" you're getting ripped off. It's not YOUR fulltime job, but it is the job of the person you're paying to use the space


          • 9 months ago

            >I didn't know they aren't permanent so here's a wall of cope

          • 9 months ago

            You're a cuckold learning at a shit gym and will always be bad
            The fact that you need to clean the mats tells me everything I need to know about your ability. You don't train at a real place

            I wonder how much anxiety you feel when you walk into another gym wondering if you'll be able to defend your belt rank appropriately
            Must suck to have impostor syndrome all the time

          • 9 months ago

            Not him, but I already mentioned I. Another post that’s usually done on a volunteer basis. I’m sorry you have a hard time socializing.

          • 9 months ago

            Man you sure are scary online. I bet the other bantam weights think you're Gordito Ryan

          • 9 months ago

            Wrestling mats are a permanent fixture cut to size, framed into place and taped down
            Tatami style mats subfloor could maybe benefit from a once per decade deep cleaning when you're replacing them and get all the hair and toenails that managed to work it's way under there over the years
            Or if you have improperly sealed mats may need replacement from moisture damage and mold

            Unless you're using puzzle mats at a rec center or something there's no reason they need to be lifted on a regular basis

          • 9 months ago

            >wrestling mats are permanent
            t. Never rolled his high school mats

          • 9 months ago

            And why do highshools do that? Because they share the space with other sports
            If you're somewhere with a designated wrestling program those mats don't come up when people are finished using them they are taped down

          • 9 months ago

            >This thing is permanent except when it isn't

          • 9 months ago

            >Wrestling mats are a permanent fixture
            Bruh, stop posting

          • 9 months ago

            Black person look here

            No, but washing the floors in a facility you're paying to use is definitely for cuckholds
            You're not the employee, the coach is
            He works for you, you don't clean the gym

            Those are dollamur roll out wrestling mats permanently installed in the gym

          • 9 months ago

            >google wrestling mats
            >first image result

          • 9 months ago

            You only continue to prove my point, look at how hes setting that up in a school gymnasium on the basketball court
            If you're an adult training in a school gymnasium then you're learning bullshit from a guy who isn't good enough to run an actual Academy
            Enjoy your ymca aikido classes I guess
            But to the original point look at who is setting it up, the coach is not the wrestlers because it's his responsibility to make sure the space is in proper order for students to use it

            That wasn't the sick burn I think you were hoping it would be

          • 9 months ago

            Lmfao, imagine talking shit about other people being cucks while shelling 400 dollars a months to go to an “academy”

          • 9 months ago

            This is the most autistic shit I’ve ever read
            >I ain’t got friends
            No shit.

          • 9 months ago

            >I’ll write all this shit but I won’t wipe down mats
            Bruh, you act like it’s a full time job you’re being asked to do. At my club it’s literally done on a volunteer basis and when you have 3-4 people all doing it together it takes less than 5 minutes. We do this because we’re not “customers” we’re club members and we want the place to be safe and clean. Tone down your autism a bit.

          • 8 months ago

            You're a moron. A proper facility has fricking staff to do this. Put it to you this way nunchuku smooth brain, there are a million facilites around me all competing for my business. I'm gonna shell out my money to a place that at least cleans its own shit because it shows that it is a professionally run joint. Frick your so stupid. Do you just make shit up to argue?

          • 8 months ago

            >people are still coming to this thread to lose their minds over fricking mops

          • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          I hope you're joking c**t. What am I paying the instructor 100 dollars a month to learn this watered down gringo Judo for

          • 7 months ago
  2. 9 months ago

    I help clean the mats at my local Judo club, but we only pay $15 a month for it so I don't mind at all. If you have a local Japanese American Cultural Society it's worth checking to see if they have an affiliated Judo club, that shit's usually way cheaper than private dojos

  3. 8 months ago

    The "I don't clean the mats" autist is an Fhite icon, just like the judo homosexual

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