What ruined his legacy? Why is he not celebrated as the best in the world like hangman or omega

>Hold a poll for most overrated wrestler
>Fhite always without fail votes Punk at the top with Undertaker or HHH second

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Best in the world
    Low tier bait

  2. 2 years ago

    >What ruined his legacy?
    It all started in 2014 when he quit. He still had a consistent fanbase, but there were people already turning on him because he left, and then he just started chipping away at everything that people thought they liked about him, and he officially became known as an Internet crybaby. 2016 & 2018 when he lost both of his fights were the final nail in the coffin. No one has taken him seriously since.

    • 2 years ago

      I wouldn't say the UFC fights were the final nails in the coffin, they were just the high points of his ongoing KWAB campaign against himself. It's not like that ended after he got tickle-fricked by a photojournalist in the middle of the octagon. Don't forget that he went crawling back to WWE to do a shitty youtube show that would end up getting cancelled shortly afterwards. Then he shows up in AEW and it's obvious from his very first match that he can no longer wrestle for 30 seconds without getting gassed. Even though he can't even wrestle anymore he still goes over younger talent left and right. Then he fights Hangman for the AEW title and Hangman has to carry him through the match kicking and screaming and despite his best efforts Punk managed to botch the buckshot lariat not once but twice. Then he wins the belt and it turns out he injured himself so he has to leave for who knows how long. It just keeps going and going. One KWAB after another. Kinda makes me wonder how he's going to humiliate himself next.

      • 2 years ago

        You laid it all out very succinctly. My bet is on being revealed on The Masked Singer after having sung "Perfect" by Pink but struggling to get his oversized mask off.

      • 2 years ago

        get some b***hes

    • 2 years ago

      >/asp/ies are still desperately trying to shill Phil as an embarrassment because he lost shoot fights
      literally no one outside of Fhite thinks this. if normalgays dislike him now its because he came into AEW and immediately catapulted to the top of the card, making him a massive hypocrite

      • 2 years ago

        Normalgays don't watch AEW

        • 2 years ago

          dude he is a running joke among mma fans as the worst fighter in ufc history. only hardcore smarks still care about him, but they were most of his fanbase to begin with anyway. he is a joke to everybody else in the world besides the redditors that watch aew

          >literally no one outside of Fhite thinks this
          Yes, we know squaredcircle and the other smark boards you visit don't think this. Nobody cares about those. Those are Punk's target market

          Punk destroyed any credibility he had with the UFC venture. Dude should've just went back to ROH or even to NJPW over trying it when he left WWE.

          >/asp/ies are STILL coping with the fact that nobody cared about a fake fighter losing shoot fights and he was welcomed back to fake fighting instantly
          embarrassing tbh

      • 2 years ago

        dude he is a running joke among mma fans as the worst fighter in ufc history. only hardcore smarks still care about him, but they were most of his fanbase to begin with anyway. he is a joke to everybody else in the world besides the redditors that watch aew

        • 2 years ago

          >worst fighter in ufc history

          hahahahaha nobody says that seriously, two losses and then out is shit but it's not even close to the worst record in MMA

          • 2 years ago

            he was beaten so badly that he wasn't given a chance to worsen that record

      • 2 years ago

        >literally no one outside of Fhite thinks this
        Yes, we know squaredcircle and the other smark boards you visit don't think this. Nobody cares about those. Those are Punk's target market

      • 2 years ago

        Punk destroyed any credibility he had with the UFC venture. Dude should've just went back to ROH or even to NJPW over trying it when he left WWE.

  3. 2 years ago

    Used to be based and tell b***hes what they are(Whooooores)

    Now pretends to be feminist

  4. 2 years ago

    a man so utterly pathetic he was buried by kevin 92 nash

  5. 2 years ago

    >cucкman phil

  6. 2 years ago

    >His comments against prowrestling in 2015 "I never will come back" or something like that
    >His embarrassing fights on UFC especially that in 2018
    >Big leagued aew in 2019
    >coming back for a stupid wwe talkshow

  7. 2 years ago

    he got tickled by a stoned journalist live on ppv

  8. 2 years ago

    >comes back
    >everyone is hyped
    >a year doesn't even go by & he's already injecting his poisonous political crap into the show, alienating 50% of the a WW audience
    yeah quite frankly he's not worth the $

  9. 2 years ago

    Punk Derangement Syndrome is real

    • 2 years ago

      nah he's just an unlikeable douche and we love laughing at him when he emasculates himself over and over

  10. 2 years ago

    his ego and personality

  11. 2 years ago

    Advocating for the murder of babies isn’t helping.

  12. 2 years ago

    >quits wwe
    >shits on wwe
    >accuses wwe doctors of malpractice on a podcast
    >gets sued
    >loses the lawsuit
    >tries to hold his at the time best friend accountable for his statements
    >says he is liable since it was his podcast
    >embarrassed himself on reality tv
    >writes a comic book that flops hard
    >joins ufc
    >says he’s gonna get the title after winning a couple of fights in a smug manner
    >does not take his training seriously
    >is so far behind they have to push his fights back
    >treats Mickey Gall like he’s a rookie in mma and acts like he’s a giving veteran giving Mickey a chance
    >calls other mma fighters “soup cans” by name
    >gets demolished by gall in a embarassing fashion
    >ufc is so desperate they book him to fight the literal worse fighter they have
    >coincidentally the one punk called a soup can
    >gets wrecked again and embarrassed
    >beaten so badly Dana white has to step in and shit on the guy who beat him to save face
    >joins Fox News sports in a shitty wwe show
    >adds nothing of value
    >show gets cancelled
    >big leagues AEW for no real reason
    >makes movie that flops hard
    >has not other tangible options for income
    >crawls back to wwe
    >Vince McMahon publically says he’s the only guy he can’t do business with
    >crawls back to AEW
    >gets a nice contract
    >buries homegrown talent while claiming he is “helping the young talent”
    >completely makes himself look like a simp with vegana shirts
    >hot shotted the title
    >gets injured outside of the ring
    Am I missing anything

    • 2 years ago

      >Marries a woman with the body of a 12 year old so he can finally feel like a man inside her

    • 2 years ago

      he won the lawsuit

  13. 2 years ago

    >Fhite always without fail votes Punk at the top with Undertaker or HHH second

    pw doesnt like wrestling they are election tourist homosexuals who worship billionares and rape culture

    • 2 years ago

      >worship billionares and rape culture

  14. 2 years ago

    he should have had the Tanahashi match for the sake of the company, after that everything started falling apart

  15. 2 years ago
    Trooth Bombz from /asp/

    He needed AEW more than AEW needed him. His legacy has long been tarnished and AEW is his last shot at not being remembered as a prick and a loser.
    I'd rather have Colt on every week.

  16. 2 years ago

    >Why is he not celebrated as the best in the world like hangman or omega
    Frickin KEK!

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