if he was european and white no one would state him as a fraud or that he played against farmers etc

if he was european and white no one would state him as a fraud or that he played against farmers etc

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    because he would've regularly played against europeans no?
    makes sense to me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      he did thoughever
      santos got tired of steamrolling other copalib teams so went on friendlies around europe instead
      these weren't really 'friendlies' like we see them today, and the best in europe would relish competition against the best in south america. Pele more often than not came out on top in these fixtures.

      • 4 weeks ago

        brazil had the best football in the world back in his day. playing against euros in 60 and 70 was seriously easy
        when pele played he just didn't win one wc - the one he didn't play

        which euro team did he play for?

        Wait a moment, a english speaker would say "right?" for a confirmation, right?, asking "no?" is a spanish thing.

        no lol, not that i've ever heard, idk i don't live around brownies

        • 4 weeks ago

          you said regularly played against europeans, now you're moving the goalposts
          cope and seethe

          • 4 weeks ago

            >regularly played against europeans
            yeah, like a league, week in week out.

        • 4 weeks ago

          that's te point. santos or any br team trashed euros anytime. that's stated by the number of brazil's wc wins

          • 4 weeks ago

            how often was that?

          • 4 weeks ago

            my dude you understand that euro teams were not what they are today? brazilians, argies and so on stayed here in continent
            there's a reason brazil invented modern football

          • 4 weeks ago

            >you understand that euro teams were not what they are today
            sure, not what i asked though

          • 4 weeks ago

            Are you moronic? If he played in Europe he would face inferior teams

          • 4 weeks ago

            it's different when you play them every weekend vs twice a year

          • 4 weeks ago

            >there's a reason brazil invented modern football
            you mean the dutch?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Frick off spic

        • 4 weeks ago

          you said regularly played against europeans, now you're moving the goalposts
          cope and seethe

          He played friendlies against 3rd division belgian shitters. It was like globetrotters
          This is part of how the myth of Pele started
          He might as well have played the Belgian Coast guard

          • 4 weeks ago

            just admit that you're racist bro it's ok

          • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        >these weren't really 'friendlies' like we see them today

        • 4 weeks ago

          They were more of a tour of Pelé shitting on European teams

          • 4 weeks ago

            so no source. got it

          • 4 weeks ago


            t. never watched pele
            There's nothing he does that is special compared to today.

            >compared to today
            Kek nevermind you are clearly moronic and/or baiting

            ok bro we got it

            >ok bro we got it

    • 4 weeks ago

      brazil had the best football in the world back in his day. playing against euros in 60 and 70 was seriously easy
      when pele played he just didn't win one wc - the one he didn't play

    • 4 weeks ago

      Wait a moment, a english speaker would say "right?" for a confirmation, right?, asking "no?" is a spanish thing.

      • 4 weeks ago

        yeah that crap is filled with sudacas so what

      • 4 weeks ago

        I speak English like that
        >T. Frenchie

        • 4 weeks ago

          French doesn't use "non?" as "right?" too?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >brazil had the best football in the world back in his day. playing against euros in 60 and 70 was seriously easy
      >when pele played he just didn't win one wc - the one he didn't play
      He's not consider the GOAT becaue Messi exists, and the argentinian a better player, as simple as that.

      1. Messi
      2. Pelé
      3. Maradona

      • 4 weeks ago

        messi wouldn't be in goat conversation if he wasn't gifted a wc

        • 4 weeks ago

          Messi was in the GOAT conversation with or without a WC. We are talking about players, not trophies.

          • 4 weeks ago

            you NEED to win trophies to be considered a goat tho
            we're talking about a stupid fictitious title here
            not even argentines rated messi above maradona before the last wc

          • 4 weeks ago

            >the best individual player is decided by team achievements
            I feel absolutely awful that white brazilians have to live in the same country as the rest of you down syndrome pardos.

          • 4 weeks ago

            frick off chicano
            post your hand with timestamp and i do the same

          • 4 weeks ago

            Sorry macaco I'm as white as they come. Garrincha was better btw

          • 4 weeks ago

            >chikaner running away from posting his hand once again

            I believe most people who say Pele is the goat has never even seen him play
            There's no way anybody can watch him and themselves conclude he's the goat from his actually playing ability

            comparing players from different eras is moronic
            pele was more successful in his time than any other player after that
            just like babe ruth in baseball and he's still considered the goat by americans

          • 4 weeks ago

            >comparing players from different eras is moronic
            He says as he compares messi to pele and says pele is better. If we're playing that game, then the simple fact is the level of competition skyrocketed. What messi's been able to do against the quality of players he's gone up against is dramatically more impressive.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >He says as he compares messi to pele and says pele is better.
            no i didn't say pele is better
            read my post again i said pele was more successful than any other player
            game tactics and training methods will always evolve
            what you think about the quality of the players today people in the future won't think the same
            pele was much more ahead of his time and this is the whole point
            >So surely you can compare players from different eras. But you don't want to because in that comparison Pele is not top 1000
            ok bro and zoomers will say that about messi in 50 years too so this whole goat conversation is moronic anyway

          • 4 weeks ago

            forgot to mention

            >just like babe ruth in baseball and he's still considered the goat by americans
            and he only played against whites and would show up at the game after drinking all night
            So if that is your comparison to Pele i'll give you that.
            >comparing players from different eras is moronic
            Why do you not have eyes?
            If i show you two videos of two games you're saying you can't compare the two?
            You can't compare the Champions League Final to a U14 game at the local park?
            Are you saying that? No right. Because you have eyes that can see right?
            So surely you can compare players from different eras. But you don't want to because in that comparison Pele is not top 1000.

          • 4 weeks ago

            How ahead of his time was he?
            >ok bro and zoomers will say that about messi in 50 years
            Well maybe in the future a player comes along who's better than messi. You do realize that that's possible right? But ofc they can't say Messi played against farmers because messi played against full time professionals.

          • 4 weeks ago

            By stating pele is the goat, you're making a comparison to him and every other player that's ever played. Whether you explicitly did so is irrelevant. And no, it's really not going to get that much better, the game has objectively matured with the bosman ruling, the offside rule change and VAR. Sports science has taken over, and we know what works now. There's really not going to be much change, since the main driver of sports changing and improving is increased competition from an influx of cash. When players are paid nearly 100 million dollars, that's as good as its going to get. Back then half the "pros" played for beer money and were drunk half the time. Compare that to an era where even third league teams now have on staff physios, coaches, sports scientists etc. I'm basing my opinion off the objective fact that every single country has a dramatically more competitive league structure now and Messi(to a lesser extent Ronnie) has been able to dominate in this era in spite of all these changes that make scoring a shitload of goals in a game against part timers that much harder. Look up old scorelines, you had guys scoring more than a goal a game regularly in very old leagues in the 30s 40s 50s. The only reason you defend pele is the same reason people insist on Ali being the best, he has the largest cultural footprint.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >the offside rule change
            Which change? The current offside rule is the same since 1925

          • 4 weeks ago

            >This rule was changed in 1925, reducing the number of opposing players required to be in front from 3 to 2 players. In 1990, this rule evolved again into what we know today as the modern version. This change stated that a player is considered onside if he is level with the second to last opposing player.
            moron doesn't even know the offside rule, kek. Back to your favela if you can't even get basic facts about soccer history right.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >just like babe ruth in baseball and he's still considered the goat by americans
            and he only played against whites and would show up at the game after drinking all night
            So if that is your comparison to Pele i'll give you that.
            >comparing players from different eras is moronic
            Why do you not have eyes?
            If i show you two videos of two games you're saying you can't compare the two?
            You can't compare the Champions League Final to a U14 game at the local park?
            Are you saying that? No right. Because you have eyes that can see right?
            So surely you can compare players from different eras. But you don't want to because in that comparison Pele is not top 1000.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Pele is better than any Danish footballer

          • 4 weeks ago

            Bendtner was better than pele

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Disrespecting Pelé is disrespecting their whole history up to mid 70s
    He btfo yuros several times on national and club level and that was the best they got

    • 4 weeks ago

      brazil had the best football in the world back in his day. playing against euros in 60 and 70 was seriously easy
      when pele played he just didn't win one wc - the one he didn't play

      Besides the farmers, the only issue I have with Pele being in the goat debate is that he wasn't even the best player in his team sometimes. Garrincha, Didi, Jairzinho, etc.
      Plus him not even playing much in 1 or 2 of the world cup wins he gets credit for.
      Also him just making up goal numbers out of his ass when players were getting close to breaking his records.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    most normies consider him the goat
    only zoomers hate him

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I like how people say he only played against farmers when the Brazillian and Argentinian league were the best ones in the world.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Easy to stat pad when most of your career games were against farmers in the São Paulo regional championship.

      • 4 weeks ago

        those farmers trashed on european teams

  5. 4 weeks ago

    If he was euro and white there wouldnt be such massive shilling of him being the goat

    • 4 weeks ago

      Who is the goat blonde player.

      • 4 weeks ago

        tony kroos obv

      • 4 weeks ago

        Alfredo Di Stéfano

  6. 4 weeks ago

    If he was white and European he wouldn’t been as good in the first place

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >tfw he was born too late to play against La Maquina/La Maquinita but too early to play against el Diego

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Hey if someone won 5 olympic gold medals in 100m but never ran sub 12 sec would that runner be the goat?
    That's basically the argument with Pele
    If you actually watch him play you would see that he's not even top 1000 player in history
    He wouldn't make a second division team in most countries
    But all morons know is stats and trophies

    • 4 weeks ago

      Then everyone before XXI Century it's a shitter. Comparing Pele with a current player makes no sense, it's like you think you're smarter than Aristotle because you know that the earth revolves around the sun.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Comparing Pele with a current player makes no sense
        It actually does that's the crazy thing.
        Just like Usain Bolt is the fastest OF ALL TIME
        And the day someone beats his time then that person will be the fastest OF ALL TIME
        >Then everyone before XXI Century it's a shitter
        Yes. That's the reality of it. They are shit compared to now

        • 4 weeks ago

          >comparing track and field (a sport that barely has any strategy or game plan involved) to football
          are you the same danish moron who keeps sucking otani wiener and spamming korean skinnies in /mlb/ all the time?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >But all morons know is stats and trophies
      yea bro because those are the only objective data we have to compare players from different eras which per se is already fricking stupid thing to do
      and same thing will happen again with messi in the future when moronic zoomers start saying he played against teams that aren't as good as the current ones
      this is pretty sad when you think about it

      • 4 weeks ago

        Well there is something called film footage
        Because you see they did have cameras in the 60s and 70s believe it or not
        Zoomers can compare Messi to who ever they in the future will believe is the goat.
        If that person plays better then you can argue that that player is better.
        I can certainly say that there are many many players that are far better than Pele but ofc it's an opinion.

        • 4 weeks ago

          There needs to be an "era adjusted" perspective involved before you can diminish the accomplishments of the older generations. If you go and watch UCL games from 20-25 years ago with all the best stars of that era the playstyle was completely different. The best midfielders didn't press like a track athlete robot, positioning was the apex of a good midfielder back then. Go watch matches from 20-25 years ago and they played completely differently. That's why the stats-only arguments are bullshit.

          Look at other sports, like hockey. Gretzky and Lemieux clowned on everyone else to the point where it's plumberpuck compared to today. But those guys were so ahead of their era that modern tactics employed now mimic their playstyle when no one else was doing that. It doesn't they are trash compared to todays stars, they just ate hotdogs during intermissions and smoked cigarettes in the locker room after games.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >There needs to be an "era adjusted" perspective involved
            So i should inflate someone's ability because they played in the past?
            I should pretend they are better than they are?
            Or should i pretend that current players are worse than they are?
            Which is it?
            Maybe Morphy could adjusted beat Carlsen

    • 4 weeks ago

      I watched some of his World Cup games from 1958.
      There’s a full match uploaded on israeliteTube, and he literally looks like a League 2 player.
      The athleticism / formations / tactics / technique are quite frankly pathetic.
      Comparing him to Ronaldo and Messi is laughable

      • 4 weeks ago

        I believe most people who say Pele is the goat has never even seen him play
        There's no way anybody can watch him and themselves conclude he's the goat from his actually playing ability

        • 4 weeks ago

          >He's black so that means he's bad

          • 4 weeks ago

            sit down and watch a game of his
            it's on youtube
            you can watch 5 minutes of it right now and see they are shit

    • 4 weeks ago

      >That's basically the argument with Pele
      It would be if Euros were always on top
      It would be if Pelé hadn't played against Euros
      >If you actually watch him play you would see that he's not even top 1000 player in history
      Because it's clear for anyone who actually plays the sport that he could play in any era. If Pelé was born today he would have a more similar playstyle to zoomers but would still be great, it's that simple. What made him special wasn't le ginga, it were his physical attributes, his uncanny ability to learn and how creative he was compared to his competition.

      • 4 weeks ago

        t. never watched pele
        There's nothing he does that is special compared to today.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is like LeBron. Lacks skill, and stat pads for 20 years. And Zoomers think this puts him in goat conversations lol.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    You wouldn't know who he is. We never see threads about Matthews or Gerd Muller

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Yep, it's racism

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Reminder that Pele wasn't even voted best player when players were polled, it was the other argentino midget who won. Even his contemporaries view him as a statpadding fraud.

  12. 4 weeks ago


  13. 4 weeks ago

    if he were european and white europeans would never question his GOAT status

  14. 4 weeks ago

    From the statistical section of the 1977 book "My Life And The Beautiful Game"
    07-02-1959 0-3 – Austria Wien
    1 defeat
    0-3 goals
    0 goals scored by Pelé
    05-26-1959 1-0 - Royal Standard
    05-27-1959 4-2 2 RSC Anderlecht
    05-30-1959 1-2 – Gentoise
    05-19-1960 4-3 1 Royal Standard
    05-28-1960 6-0 2 RSC Anderlecht
    05-31-1960 10-1 4 Royal Beerschot
    06-11-1960 5-2 2 Gentoise
    06-12-1960 3-1 – Selection Antwerp
    06-04-1961 4-4 – Selection Antwerp
    03-01-1972 0-0 – RSC Anderlecht
    03-06-1973 1-0 – Royal Standard
    8 wins, 2 draws, 1 defeat
    39-15 goals
    11 goals scored by Pelé
    73 % won
    28 % of Santos goals scored by Pelé
    Average result: 4-1, 1 goal by Pelé
    02-15-1959 3-4 – UDA Duklas
    01-16-1965 6-4 3 Selection CSSR
    01-13-1968 4-1 – Selection CSSR
    2 wins, 1 defeat
    13-9 goals
    3 goals scored by Pelé
    67 % won
    23 % of Santos goals scored by Pelé
    Average result: 4-3, 1 goal by Pelé
    10-22-1961 4-2 1 Sheffield Wednesday
    09-22-1969 3-2 2 Stoke City
    09-21-1970 2-2 2 West Ham United
    02-02-1971 1-0 – FC Chelsea
    02-21-1972 1-2 – Aston Villa
    02-23-1972 2-0 - Sheffield Wednesday
    06-04-1972 4-2 3 Newcastle United
    06-13-1972 2-2 1 Coventry City
    5 wins, 2 draws, 1 defeat
    19-12 goals
    9 goals scored by Pelé
    63 % won
    47 % of Santos goals scored by Pelé
    Average result: 2-1, 1 goal by Pelé
    06-07-1960 5-3 1 Stade Reims
    06-09-1960 4-1 1 Racing Paris
    06-17-1960 3-1 1 Stade Reims
    06-23-1960 3-0 2 FC Toulouse
    06-07-1961 6-1 1 Racing Paris
    06-09-1961 6-2 2 Olympique Lyonnais
    06-13-1961 5-4 1 Racing Paris
    10-17-1962 5-2 2 Racing Paris
    03-31-1971 0-0 – Selection Marseille / St. Etienne
    8 wins, 1 draw
    37-14 goals
    11 goals scored by Pelé
    89 % won
    30 % of Santos goals scored by Pelé
    Average result: 4-2, 1 goal by Pelé
    06-28-1961 3-0 1 AEK Athens
    06-30-1961 3-2 2 Panathinaikos Athens
    07-04-1961 1-2 – Olimpiakos Piraeus
    08-24-1966 1-0 – AEK Athens
    3 wins, 1 defeat
    8-4 goals
    3 goals scored by Pelé
    75 % won
    38 % of Santos goals scored by Pelé
    Average result: 2-1, 1 goal by Pelé

  15. 4 weeks ago

    02-10-1967 2-2 1 Vasas Budapest
    01-23-1968 4-0 1 Vasas Budapest
    1 wins, 1 draw
    6-2 goals
    2 goals scored by Pelé
    50 % won
    33 % of Santos goals scored by Pelé
    Average result: 3-1, 1 goal by Pelé
    02-26-1972 3-2 – Bohemians Drumcondra
    1 win
    3-2 goals
    0 goals scored by Pelé
    06-05-1959 2-3 2 Inter Milano
    06-26-1959 7-1 4 Inter Milano
    06-30-1959 4-2 - Genoa
    06-01-1960 3-2 1 AS Roma
    06-03-1960 0-3 – Fiorentina
    06-18-1960 2-0 1 Juventus Torino
    06-21-1961 5-0 2 AS Roma
    06-24-1961 4-1 1 Inter Milano
    06-15-1963 4-3 2 AS Roma
    06-19-1963 0-2 – Inter Milano
    06-22-1963 0-4 – AC Milan
    06-26-1963 3-5 1 Juventus Torino
    10-16-1963 2-4 2 AC Milan
    11-14-1963 4-2 – AC Milan
    09-05-1966 4-1 1 Inter Milano
    06-17-1967 2-1 1 Mantua
    06-20-1967 1-0 – Venice
    06-24-1967 5-1 3 US Lecce
    06-27-1967 1-1 – Fiorentina
    06-29-1967 3-1 1 AS Roma
    08-26-1967 0-1 – Inter Milano
    06-09-1968 2-1 – Cagliari
    06-12-1968 2-0 1 Alexandria
    06-21-1968 4-2 1 SSC Napoli
    06-26-1968 6-2 2 SSC Napoli
    06-28-1968 5-2 2 SSC Napoli
    06-24-1969 1-0 – Inter Milano
    09-24-1969 7-1 2 Combination Geneva / Genoa
    06-23-1971 2-1 1 Bologna
    06-27-1971 1-1 - Bologna
    06-30-1971 1-0 1 Bologna
    03-03-1972 2-0 – AS Roma
    03-05-1972 3-2 2 SSC Napoli
    04-29-1972 1-0 – SSC Napoli
    05-01-1972 3-2 2 Cagliari
    06-25-1972 7-1 2 Catanzaro
    05-25-1973 3-0 1 Lazio Roma
    05-28-1973 4-2 2 Lazio Roma
    29 wins, 2 draws, 7 defeats
    110-55 goals
    41 goals scored by Pelé
    76 % won
    37 % of Santos goals scored by Pelé
    Average result: 3-1, 1 goal by Pelé
    06-03-1959 3-0 1 Feijenoord Rotterdam
    06-15-1959 5-0 3 Selection Enschede
    2 wins
    8-0 goals
    4 goals scored by Pelé
    100 % won
    50 % of Santos goals scored by Pelé
    Average result: 4-0, 2 goals by Pelé

  16. 4 weeks ago

    06-19-1957 6-1 3 Belenses
    07-23-1957 3-2 1 Benfica Lisboa
    06-19-1959 2-2 1 Sporting Lisboa
    06-15-1961 6-3 2 Benfica Lisboa
    09-19-1962 3-2 2 Benfica Lisboa
    10-11-1962 5-2 3 Benfica Lisboa
    08-21-1966 4-0 1 Benfica Lisboa
    08-18-1968 4-2 – Benfica Lisboa
    09-01-1968 3-3 – Benfica Lisboa
    7 wins, 2 draws
    36-17 goals
    13 goals scored by Pelé
    78 % won
    36 % of Santos goals scored by Pelé
    Average result: 4-2, 1 goal by Pelé
    06-17-1959 3-5 1 Real Madrid
    06-24-1959 4-4 1 FC Valencia
    06-28-1959 5-1 2 FC Barcelona
    07-05-1959 2-2 1 Betis Sevilla
    06-19-1960 2-2 – Espanol Barcelona
    06-25-1960 1-0 – FC Valencia
    07-02-1960 3-4 1 FC Barcelona
    06-12-1963 0-2 – FC Barcelona
    08-28-1967 1-4 – Deportivo Espanol Malaga
    08-29-1967 2-1 – Malaga
    09-17-1969 3-1 – Atletico Madrid
    08-31-1974 0-2 – Espanol Barcelona
    09-01-1974 1-4 1 FC Elche
    09-03-1974 3-2 2 Real Zaragoza
    5 wins, 3 draws, 6 defeats
    30-34 goals
    9 goals scored by Pelé
    36 % won
    30 % of Santos goals scored by Pelé
    Average result: 2-2, 1 goal by Pelé
    01-12-1957 1-0 – AIK Stockholm
    1 win
    1-0 goals
    0 goals scored by Pelé
    06-09-1959 4-1 1 Servette Geneva
    06-01-1961 8-2 3 FC Basel
    06-15-1968 4-5 1 FC Zürich
    2 wins, 1 defeat
    16-8 goals
    5 goals scored by Pelé
    66 % won
    31 % of Santos goals scored by Pelé
    Average result: 5-3, 2 goals by Pelé

  17. 4 weeks ago

    ok bro we got it

  18. 4 weeks ago

    06-06-1959 6-4 1 Fortuna Düsseldorf
    06-07-1959 3-3 – 1. FC Nuremberg
    06-11-1959 6-0 1 Selection Hamburg
    06-13-1959 7-1 3 Selection Lower-Saxony
    05-27-1960 9-1 3 TSV 1860 Munich
    06-01-1960 4-2 2 Eintracht
    06-15-1960 4-2 1 Selection Berlin
    06-03-1961 6-3 2 VfL Wolfsburg
    06-26-1961 8-6 3 Karlsruher SC
    10-20-1961 3-3 2 FC Hamburg
    05-29-1963 3-2 1 Selection Lower-Saxony
    06-02-1963 2-1 1 FC Schalke 04
    06-05-1963 5-2 4 Eintracht
    06-08-1963 3-1 1 VfB Stuttgart
    06-13-1967 5-4 2 TSV 1860 Munich
    06-17-1967 3-0 1 Selection Saarland
    07-30-1971 3-1 – Hannover 96
    02-27-1973 0-3 – Combination Bavaria
    06-10-1973 5-0 1 Arminia Bielefeld
    16 wins, 2 draws, 1 defeat
    85-39 goals
    29 goals scored by Pelé
    84 % won
    34 % of Santos goals scored by Pelé
    Average result: 4-2, 2 goals by Pelé
    06-22-1957 1-1 1 Dinamo Zagreb
    09-10-1969 3-3 1 Red Star Belgrade
    09-12-1969 1-1 – Dinamo Zagreb
    09-15-1969 4-4 1 Danick Kragulevac
    09-19-1969 1-1 1 Zeljesnicar
    5 draws
    10-10 goals
    4 goals scored by Pelé
    0 % won
    40 % of Santos goals scored by Pelé
    Average result: 2-2, 1 goal by Pelé

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Why do morons think just because they European leagues are stronger now, It would be the case in Pele's era? Brazil won 3 out of 4 wcs with everybody in the squad playing for Brazilian teams.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Current era players are better but what if previous era players had access to the nutrition/conditioning and coaching/training systems that today's players have had since birth? It's an unfair comparison since the baseline has changed, their talent wasn't maximized as it would be now - direct film comparison is useless

    • 4 weeks ago

      What if your dad had access to gender affirming care? Maybe he wouldn't have had you homosexual.
      >direct film comparison is useless
      Because you've never done it.
      it's stats and trophies then?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Why are you so mad? I don't think Pele would be the current GOAT or even top 50 if he were born 25 years ago, but you really don't think he would be a much better player than he was in his time?

        • 4 weeks ago

          I can only judge what he actually did. Not what he theoretically did.
          The level he played at was shit and i really don't think his ability warrents all this what if this or that.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Sort of non argument as football has changed, and the time he faced off against Real Madrid (enrique mateos, prime puskas, fricking di stefano) Santos lost. I think he's good and definitely an icon of the game, but to claim BR football was better football than Euro, especially Real Madrid? No.

    Also, I think he's overrated in the sense that he had good PR vs Garrincha and Vava who scored more than Pele during the 62 wc. Do non-BR normalgays know Vava? No.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    I love this thread anon, and I love how we all agree that Messi is the GOAT.

    1. Messi
    2. Pelé
    3. Maradona

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