So accurate

So accurate

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    Worked for Daniel Garcia and his dancing

    • 4 weeks ago

      Garcia is a way fricking better wrestler than Jey.

      kek what is WITH they jey uso seethe. are they legit just mad that he's over?

      only Meltzer approved wrestlers are allowed to get "over" (none of them actually are)

      enjoy your shit matches bruvs

      >Imagine making fun of his Mania match for being shit (which it was) and it turns out it didn't hurt him at all a month later.
      but that's precisely why they are mad. 1 yeet = 1000 flips and stars in this economy

      Isn't Jey the one who rips off Brother Nero spots? Or is that his brother?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Take the wrestling figs out your ass, now

        • 4 weeks ago

          Turn your monitor on.

          How to be successful in AEW:
          1. its impossible kek


          • 4 weeks ago

            >reddit spacing
            Sup Ojama

          • 4 weeks ago

            Time for you to take the wrestling figs out yo buttholes playa

            sup b***hbreasts? Vince is a bbc scat cuck beta b***h.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >still doesn't know what reddit spacing is after hearing it on /misc/ 8 years ago
            kek embarrassing

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Isn't Jey the one who rips off Brother Nero spots? Or is that his brother?

        idk but wrestling is built on ripping off other people

      • 4 weeks ago

        Kys homosexual smark. Brother Nero? Really? It's Jeff Hardy and you know it.

      • 4 weeks ago
        Edgelord L

        Daniel Gomez is a fricking homosexual

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Garcia is a way fricking better wrestler than Jey.
        They're both dog shit

    • 4 weeks ago

      Not worked at all. Just check the ratings of arena attendance in aew

  2. 4 weeks ago

    unironically worked for fandango

  3. 4 weeks ago

    The least important thing in wrestling is the wrestling.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Just like with acting, the least important part is being able to memorize/read the lines out loud. In acting, you need the facial expressions, the right pacing, tone of voice, cadence, timing with other actors, establish a dominant or passive physical presence, throw good worked punches, control your breathing, no twitching/wiggling/tics, no-sell funny/corny/obscene lines and keep it all inside, all of the above. Mistakes can be incredibly costly with reshoots or needing to edit out/around your mistakes.

      kek what is WITH they jey uso seethe. are they legit just mad that he's over?

      The AEW guy with the most audience participation for his theme no longer uses said theme and is getting "please retire" chanted at him

      There exists an alternate reality where thousands of fans all sing along to Will Ospreays theme while waiving their arms/phones in the air - and that reality is what these delusional piggalos prefer to live in. These bad takes won't stop coming until AEW gets their own organic superstar.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >no twitching/wiggling/tics
        Kitano would like to have a word, brother. Don't worry, it'll be fine.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    AEW's top draw says Bazinga.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You thought you'd get dozens of (You)s, didn't you lmao KWAB

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah that was embarrassing. Really thought people watch AEW.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Actually no, I posted it then went on to my healthy social life. Only coming back to it now to see your seethe post and laugh. The fricking losers on this board pop me.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    fuzzy dont miss

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Jey Uso got em bubblin

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Wonder what this person considers wrestling skill

  8. 4 weeks ago

    I don't think Jay's song has yeet in it at least not the part people sing along to so I'm afraid this argument has been DEBUNKED

  9. 4 weeks ago

    kek what is WITH they jey uso seethe. are they legit just mad that he's over?

    • 4 weeks ago

      only Meltzer approved wrestlers are allowed to get "over" (none of them actually are)

  10. 4 weeks ago

    It is actually a good thing to have a number of over babyfaces on the roster.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    It seems Jey Usos Backlash entrance has produced a bunch of seethe. Imagine making fun of his Mania match for being shit (which it was) and it turns out it didn't hurt him at all a month later.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Imagine making fun of his Mania match for being shit (which it was) and it turns out it didn't hurt him at all a month later.
      but that's precisely why they are mad. 1 yeet = 1000 flips and stars in this economy

  12. 4 weeks ago

    *monster pop*

  13. 4 weeks ago

    I find it really hilarious that we're at a point where AEWtists actually seethe at hot crowds and pops.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The fox and the grapes

    • 4 weeks ago

      kek especially when their defense for a lot of the dumbest horseshit produced would be
      >it popped the crowd!
      well now they have no crowds

  14. 4 weeks ago

    >1. Make hand gestures anyone can do
    Okay why doesn't everyone do it then?

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Damn if it's so easy why can't aew come out?

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Fhite has always said wrestling doesn't matter, and has been proven correct yet again, all that matters is look promo and charisma, and good booming obviously

  17. 4 weeks ago

    How to be successful in AEW:
    1. its impossible kek

  18. 4 weeks ago

    >how to be accessible & popular
    >step 1: do accessible things
    >step 2: do popular things
    >step 3: do popular accessible things
    holy frick what a scoop

  19. 4 weeks ago

    >WWE show is full of high quality wrestling matches thanks to Dragunov, Ricochet, Iyo, Natalia, Sheamus and Gunther
    >Proceed to criticize the promo part of the show
    Typical troony moron
    By the way, Jay USO >>>>>>>>>>> Osprey

    • 4 weeks ago

      I was gonna bust on you for Jey being so irrelevant you can't even spell his name, but you can't spell Ospreay either so it seems you're just a typical WWE dimwit. Lachlan was right.

      >comparing AEW TV to a once-in-a-lifetime international PPV

      • 4 weeks ago

        >a once-in-a-lifetime international PPV
        Isn't that what cultists keep trying to hang their hat on? lol

        • 4 weeks ago

          thanks for the update seats troony

          • 4 weeks ago

            >seats troony
            kek is this some sorta new schizo meme?

          • 4 weeks ago

            I don't watch WWE

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yes you do. lol

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'm in the portion of those that don't

    • 4 weeks ago

      frick off nattie, your sister is 20x hotter

    • 4 weeks ago


      Sir you must work on ESL
      This might be the most poo-handed comment I've ever read on Fhite.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    WWE is not even wrestling at this point outside of like 5 guys. It's Blues Clues. It's Dora the Explorer. It's Teletubbies. It's the most simplistic call and response, repetitive product aimed at children and literal morons.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'm pretty sure Blues & Dora had educational value so that puts them above WWE.

      • 4 weeks ago

        WWE is not even wrestling at this point outside of like 5 guys. It's Blues Clues. It's Dora the Explorer. It's Teletubbies. It's the most simplistic call and response, repetitive product aimed at children and literal morons.

        Time for you to take the wrestling figs out yo buttholes playa

    • 4 weeks ago

      >WWE is not even wrestling at this point outside of like 5 guys. It's Blues Clues. It's Dora the Explorer. It's Teletubbies. It's the most simplistic call and response, repetitive product aimed at children and literal morons.

      I've been saying this for years. It is corporate slop aimed at the least intelligent of children. It is the epitome of "he's going to say the thing / do the dance!!!"
      Dim children love their repetition.

      At least Blues Clues and Dora attempted to educate.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    They’re gonna hate Trick Williams when he gets called up

  22. 4 weeks ago

    >so fat he needs to post twice

  23. 4 weeks ago

    where's the lie?

  24. 4 weeks ago

    did this guy start watching wrestling last year or something

  25. 4 weeks ago

    Even if this was true, what do you get for being the """""real""""" wrestling fan? WWE fans have more fun than you do and spend less of their life freaking out about it. Nobody is going to look back on their lifetime and wish they had enjoyed the countless hours they spent watching wrestling less because their standards were too high.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Wrestling is not real and the purpose of it is to entertain the crowd. Guys like Jey and LA Knight aren't going to give you 30 minute long instant classic with flips and head drops but they are extremely over and people like to watch them when they're on tv. Just have fun with it.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    Nowhere in Jey's theme does it say Yeet.

    Nice try Crippled Irish homosexual Trevor Woodhouse.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    and yet they STILL make more money, and have more relevancy than ANYONE in the AEW locker room

  29. 4 weeks ago

    It's almost as if the conditions fit our CEO(catchphrase) dimeless Mone

  30. 4 weeks ago

    This guy’s favorite wrestler is daniel garcia if you look at his twitter. Jey is pretty dimeless though. But i hate these twitter gays who think they’re fave indie shitters who have the same build as waiters should be at the top because they do a bunch of flips and drop people on their heads because they’re too weak to hold another wrestler

  31. 4 weeks ago

    The people making these posts on X are the same people playing the victim anytime someone points out that AEW is terrible. Just saying...

    • 4 weeks ago

      Wrestling is supposed to be fun guys!!

  32. 4 weeks ago

    pavlovs drones

  33. 4 weeks ago


  34. 4 weeks ago

    4. Have the same 3 corporate approved moves
    5. Use in same order every match
    6. Have a corporate approved finisher such as "lariat with theatrics."

    • 4 weeks ago

      This homies finish is "spinning backfist without connecting", I'll take the lariat with theatrics

  35. 4 weeks ago

    why are they such marks?

  36. 4 weeks ago

    why do aew fans think they know everything about wrestling but wont explain why aew isnt selling a ticket

    • 4 weeks ago

      Bro they are too busy watching hockey (wwe is trash garbage also)

  37. 4 weeks ago

    >lots of piggalo seethe from this
    truth hurts i guess

    • 4 weeks ago

      whats so bad about it?

  38. 4 weeks ago

    Strong Bad explained this like 15 years ago. Awesome wrestling has nothing to do with awesome wrestling moves.

  39. 4 weeks ago


  40. 4 weeks ago

    There's a real chance a jihAEWdist tries to suicide bomb Summer Slam with how much they're breaking down.

  41. 4 weeks ago

    >Wrestling skill
    What does that even mean. The Rock and post neck injury Austin weren't known as great workers.

  42. 4 weeks ago

    Acclaimed bros...not like this..scissor me daddy ass...

  43. 4 weeks ago

    Bro didn’t they just wank ospreay/danielson as being a 6 million star match

  44. 4 weeks ago

    It's true. WWE is for duds, dimwits and spergs. It's the only way I can understand Jey Uso getting this over tbh. I feel like WWE started calling him 'Main Event' and the fans played along.

  45. 4 weeks ago

    If it’s that easy, why can’t AEW get a single guy over, especially since they got all the “real” wrestlers that have the highest autistic israelite star ratings and the best in-ring workrate? Surely they could have got one of their guys to break through to the mainstream and get them that long lost milly if it’s so easy being popular and successful, right?

    • 4 weeks ago

      We habe ospraey, he is more over than anyone in wwe bud

      • 4 weeks ago

        >he is more over
        By what objective measurement? Certainly not TV ratings, merch sales, or social media engagement. I’m actually curious, how did you come to your conclusion?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Do you hear the crowds when he comes out? And just wait until Wembley.

          • 4 weeks ago

            If that’s the case, Cody is the most over in the biz with Jey Uso right behind him, and that’s just by using the crowd reaction from Backlash France. And that crowd of 11,000+ at Backlash was larger than 95% of the crowds for Dynamite and Collision.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Super over

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah a random indie show wrestler no one's heard about is more popular than a wwe midcarder, sure moron.

  46. 4 weeks ago

    Austin only had 1 and 3

  47. 4 weeks ago

    The only thing that matters is getting over. That can be promo ability, move set, gimmick, work rate, whatever. This isn't scripted UFC.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Even in UFC you need to be able to cut a promo and be entertaining to really make it big lol. People want to be entertained

  48. 4 weeks ago

    >Workrate doesn't get you over theatrics does
    People figured this shit out in the 70s
    Smarks are so braindead

    • 4 weeks ago

      It baffles me that fake fighting fans think the fake fighting is more important than engaging the audience. It's a live performance with a dose of fan interaction. It's why you get guys going into the crowds and high fiving folk on the way to the ring. Gorgeous George was a gigadraw that people were buying TVs just to watch his matches and it certainly wasn't because of his workrate.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It baffles me that fake fighting fans think the fake fighting is more important than engaging the audience. It's a live performance with a dose of fan interaction. It's why you get guys going into the crowds and high fiving folk on the way to the ring. Gorgeous George was a gigadraw that people were buying TVs just to watch his matches and it certainly wasn't because of his workrate.

      Wrestling literally only got hot during periods where they booked angles and promos. The analogy I always use for normies & morons is Game of Thrones.
      Game of Thrones has 1 big title- the throne. Several smaller/lowercard titles- King in North, Nights Watch, the Free Cities, castles, etc.
      Face and heel turns, stables and individual workers.
      The battles and duels which decide the fate of these castles/thrones (titles) aren't the only thing that gets booked and don't mean anything unless built to and followed up on with good stories. An overbooked spotty battle doesn't make up for bad story.
      Do people really remember the battles as much as they remember particular shocking moments or character interactions? No. Tyrion, Olenna, the High Sparrow, Stannis, Cersei, Tywin all cut tons of gigadimes promos. Jaime Lannister has his bath promo. Red Wedding, Ned in S1, Craster's Keep mutiny, Daenerys hatching the eggs, the For The Watch angle, they're all angles that are way more over than any battle. Then there's the monster heel being built up with an undefeated streak over jobbers in the White Walkers.
      The battles for the thrones & castles are the driving impetus of GoT, but the stories around those characters are what draw dimes.
      Wrestling is the same.

      When matches are used as one of the building blocks for the vehicle to tell stories, wrestling draws.
      When stories are used as the vehicle to put on matches, wrestling doesn't draw. It's backwards booking that only very, very stupid workrate marks would ever book or watch.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Wrestling is Game of Thrones
        Pretty good simile considering they ran out of original "book"ing and went full WCW 2000 with the final season.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Exactly- it became all about spotfest matches and badly booked shock angles. Nobody cares that they worked the Battle of Winterfell for 2 hours with tons of moves, or the gimmick match shit with Bronn vs Drogon, that shit dont draw without good booking.

  49. 4 weeks ago

    genuine question
    why do you guys give a shit about what random people on twitter say

    • 4 weeks ago

      For illustrative purposes. It works better than opening up the Notes app or MSPaint, typing out your opinion, screenshotting it and posting it here. It's easier to just peruse Twitter until you stumble upon an opinion that you either agree with or that rustles your jimmies, then post it here for discussion.

    • 4 weeks ago

      These people on twitter are who tony books his shows for

  50. 4 weeks ago

    Didn't Cody start the WHOA thing in AEW?

    • 4 weeks ago

      the whoa thing has been in cody's entrance song since smoke and mirrors lol

  51. 4 weeks ago

    >implying this use wasn't over before YEET

    Anyways nobody would give a FRICK what shtick Jey Uso was doing if an angle with a reigning champion and a Syrian from Quebec hadn't made them care.

  52. 4 weeks ago

    Nah I've seen plenty of shitters do meme chants and they can't move tickets or get cheered when it matters most, like a title win or winning a match.
    You need natural charisma to actually do something with the stuff WWE gives you.

  53. 4 weeks ago

    Smarks are the worst thing that's happened to wrestling
    Nobody gives a shit about workrates and long matches if you didn't put in the promo work needed to make the audience invested
    You can always watch the top tiers of every sport yet you still tune in to your Football team's match since you're already invested in it

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